
All good things come to an end



The Syndicate

Expert Hunter (180)

Advanced Healer (100)

3 Years
Extra large
07-14-2024, 12:50 AM
Azrael listened intently while Ririka told him of her nomadic family and her time away from them. Ah, nomads... That made things easier. It was so easy for nomads to just wander off and never be seen again. Trying to hide his delight behind a mask of simple friendliness, Az drank in the information she gave him freely. As an interrogator, he was used to prying information from his subjects. Ririka gave that to him free of charge. How much could he glean from her? Well, if she wanted experiences, Azrael could certainly provide experiences to her...

When asked if he was from around here, Az gave a little shrug and a lopsided wave of his paw. "Ehh, sort of. I live here in Boreas with my family now, but I come from a land far away. The climate is much more agreeable there, but I came out here to pursue my work and help my family grow." She asked if he was a healer and Az gave a chuckle and flashed a grin at her. "You could call me that. Plants fascinate me, and I like using their properties to help my family. It's just so interesting to see how a plant can affect the body!" It sounded so innocent and benign when you didn't know the context behind his pharmaceutical practices. "So how long have you been traveling on your own, Ri? Meet any interesting wolves or have any neat experiences so far?" Depending on how long she'd been solo, he'd be able to tell how close or how far away the rest of her family might be.

"Azrael Saxe"

Warning: Azrael is a highly mature character for violent and sexual content. Read his threads with caution.