
Maybe This Was A Moostake...

Seasonal- Sitri


The Hallows

Expert Fighter (160)

Advanced Navigator (60)

4 Years
Dire wolf

By the skin of my teethPride - Bisexual
07-14-2024, 01:45 PM
Sitri settled next to Dusk in the shade with a contented sigh, giving her a little grin as they talked and enjoyed this time away from the pack to just be themselves away from the responsibility and duty. He didn't carry the same pressure that Dusk seemed to, but he also had never had the kind of expectations placed on him that he imagined she did as the alpha's daughter. He liked when he was able to get her away for little bits of time whenever she'd let him to help her relax. However, just with their last trip out to the falls, it was swiftly interrupted by a loud crash from within the surrounding trees. Both of their heads popped up, snapping toward the sound and immediately on alert. Suddenly a massive bull moose that was far larger than any of its kin that he had seen before appeared in front of them, appearing absolutely pissed at there mere presence in its forest.

He slowly got to his paws along with Dusk and at her indication began to carefully walk backward with her, trying not to make any sudden movements that might provoke the already furious animal more. He had to wonder what had gotten this beast so riled up and why it was targeting them in particular, but right now his only real concern was making sure that neither of them ended up gored by the huge crown of antlers on its head. He glanced between Dusk and the moose, partially waiting for some kind of signal and keeping a close eye on the moose at the same time. He gave her a nod, his way of quietly telling her that he knew they had to do something to get out of here and that he was ready to follow her lead.

They turned and bolted, the two of them matching pace as they weaved through the trees and brush to put some distance between them and the moose and to hopefully get it to loose their trail. Unfortunately, those heavy, crashing hoof steps never seemed to let up for get much farther away. Finally they found a more dense patch of cedars and as they ducked into the smaller spaces that should give them a bit of reprieve from the charging moose he stopped next to Dusk, panting lightly as he looked to her with concern. A few moments of listening brought them another angry bellow from the moose and he knew this escape was only temporary. Dusk said they should split up and meet back up at the clearing once they lost the moose and as much as he didn't want to leave Dusk to possibly fend off the moose on her own he didn't have a better idea. "Alright... but be careful," he insisted. He returned her smile and leaned in to grab a quick kiss from her before he turned and took off in the opposite direction.

He spent some time weaving through the trees, going one direction and then another to hopefully confuse the moose if it had decided to come after him. The sounds of the pursuing moose faded and he felt a bit of hope that his efforts were successful, but behind that was a concern that if it wasn't following him then it was following Dusk. He eventually made it to the clearing, panting hard to catch his breath from the sprinting escape they had made. His gut twisted with worry when Dusk wasn't there to greet him, but he knew trying to go find her now would probably only cause more trouble if he accidentally ran into the moose and started the chase all over again. He waited anxiously, pacing back and forth a bit within the clearing. Finally, after what felt like ages, Dusk's howl reached his ears and he stopped to listen with a sigh of relief. He tipped his head back to give her a quiet howl in return, letting her know that he was okay. He still had no idea what had caused the moose to be so unnaturally aggressive, but whatever it was they had managed to get away unscathed.

WC: 696
Total: 1698 / 1500

"Sitri Klein-Destruction"