
You own me like whispers in poetry




Expert Navigator (120)

Master Intellectual (255)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

2 Years

LegendaryPride - DemisexualWordy
07-14-2024, 01:47 PM

She closed her eyes enjoying how he embraced her, and softly kissed her. When she opened them again, the blindfold had long been discarded, she saw a warmth in his eyes as he looked at her. A quiet wondering and even a hesitation to tell her what the next test would be.

He explained to her the last test. She slumped against him, looking down at her paws made for crafting, adventuring, discovering and wandering. She sighed.

"I had a feeling." She replied sullenly. What sense would it be to have a leader in a pack literally called Armada that couldn't fight. Who would trust her to protect them? It was just like hunting wasn't it?

She realized she hadn't even hunted that much, even in the whole of her life. A pampered, albeit bullied and abused, princess, practically locked in her workshop and taken out to play the unwitting jester for the party guests, fed on the rich foods and scraps prepared by others. Then a brief stint of being on her own, teaching herself to hunt enough to survive on rats and rabbits and then once she was here... She had been fed by the avid hunters of the Armada.

She wasn't strong, though she didn't realize the work in the smithy had given her significant muscle tone and she was stronger than she knew.

She was quick and crafty. More of a rabbit than a wolf, a fox maybe, but her hunting skills were about as sub par as a pups.

"I can barely hunt, how can I possibly fight, never mind win a fight, against even someone like... Vesper?" Who had never fought anyone either, and who she had come to understand was a slave used only for her body.
Ignita was basically his own personal plaything at this point, what would be the point of her leading anyone?

"How can I possibly... Hurt anyone... On purpose?" She asked him, turning to him, pleading him to offer a different test.


[Image: xjgqzZS.png]
Basilisk may enter her threads without warning.

[Image: bU9k2tE.png]