
Cold and Flu season

Healing seasonal w/ Triss



Master Healer (256)

Intermediate Navigator (45)


3 Years
Extra large

1KPride - PansexualSamhain 2022
07-15-2024, 11:47 AM

By all rights Crux should probably have had a stronger constitution. He'd been born in the north of Boreas, had never known particularly warm weather even if the Col could trap and keep heat better than many places in the area. But then he'd largely not experienced damp cold and as the season had started to change he'd noticed the difference. But it wasn't exactly freezing the way winter sometimes got in the north. Then again he'd always been less prone to sickness, even when by all rights he should have caught something after the flood, cold, soaked and overworked as he had been, he'd managed to keep even a chill at bay. So maybe it was just his luck running out.

Either way when Crux woke that morning he knew. It was hard to miss the chill for one. Their den was still something of a work in progress but the little nest they'd built for themselves was cozy, a smaller space so it kept their body heat pretty well. And yet he was still cold. Instinctually he'd curled himself in tighter, wrapped around Triss as he'd been at that moment. It was when he'd started coughing and sneezing that he'd put himself into quarantine. That was a severer sounding term than what he'd actually done. He'd picked one of the chamber's they'd yet to decide what to do with to put himself, not eager to infect Triss if he could help it. A thrown together nest of scrap pelts and little else to give him some warmth and something comfy to sleep on while he tried to recover quickly. Which was where he was, feeling achy and cold, and despite the exhaustion he already felt in his body unable to go to sleep for the time being. He was less fussy than it seemed many of his siblings were but he wasn't exactly a model patient. Largely he was just bored.

WC: 323 (323/1500)

Updated 04/30/23: Still on indefinite scarcity, please do not remind me of threads I am behind on right now.

Crux has a 6 inch long burn scar on his throat, most of his art does not reflect this.