
Help me believe, this isn't the real me.

Erebos and Any!



Master Intellectual (250)

Intermediate Hunter (40)

2 Years

Pride - SapiosexualPride - Demisexual1K
07-15-2024, 12:39 PM

The skies which were painted creulean began to fade to a aegean pigment with slate stone clouds that hovered. His scent carried on the winds way before he announced himself to the egg nog woman with sharp shamrock pools. Although she felt him race towards her and the buffalo who dared to come closer. Eyes scanned him, barren and emotionless. Like she was not that same woman he had come to know. No! Now was not the time.

She rose up, his voice once warm and welcoming was cold and hearless. Maybe she had to be the same fucking way? Maybe she had to chase him away. Deep inside she felt that of her heart shattering, too scared to look into his eyes. So her own voice choked out. Emotionless and cold.

"Go back to your wife Erebos." The nickname she had given him soon to be forgotten. "We were never meant to be! Why hurt me more. Why not stay gone?" Lips curled up revealing ivory canines. Wishing she could take it all back, how she told him she had loved him. Her breaths making her chest rise and fall to quickly. As her tail fell still behind her. "You.... you never were MINE! Why fucking pretend!?"

She brought a paw up to swipe across his facial features, to scar his handsome face. Hoping that it would make contact. The woman would not turn away from him, but turn her body into a defensive stance. Her voice dropping. "When I am gone, I hope I come to haunt you Erebos! I hope you fucking mourn for me like I have done with you all these god damned sleepless nights!"

Promises which were always meant to be broken. Bracing herself if he dared attack. Ears laced against her skull. "Go back to her and Hellborn! Leave me the fuck alone Erebos, because I can take care of myself. I thought just maybe a little I mattered. That I was something cherished." Launching herself forwards, as teeth bared to mark his lovely hide. She needed wanted to scar him. Her vocals like venom dripped from her mouth.

Never once did she want to bring him hurt. But he chose Widow of her. He caused this, caused this pain so strong so depressing. Her body shivered, not from cold but fear. Maybe he would end her? End the pain she felt? The pain they both have caused.
