
Leave behind your heart and cast away

feat. Nami



Novice Navigator (20)

Advanced Hunter (95)

5 Years

Samhain 2022Pride - PansexualThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
07-16-2024, 10:32 AM

Nami's rambling finally elicited a few more words from Blackfoot, and even a question. She tried not to look too pleased with the other woman opening up a little. Even if it was only a minuscule amount, it was better than nothing! Her smile barely wavered as they spoke, and she nodded in response to her question. "I do! My pack lives far south of here, in the bamboo forest, by the sea!" She knew just how reclusive Tojo-Kai tended to be and she feared overstepping, so she wouldn't say much more than that. Where they lived was general knowledge, not something she couldn't divulge, right?

"I do like it much more than being on my own," she started, sounding a little more serious now. It was hard to not want to convey what Tojo-Kai had done for her. They'd provided a home when she hadn't expected to ever find one again, and she was deeply thankful. The importance of that was not at all lost on her nor had she taken it for granted for even a second. "I got really lonely before settling down. I don't think being a loner is for me." For some wolves she could see how it'd be good, ideal even, but not for her. She'd certainly tried.

Did Blackfoot feel the same? At the very least she seemed quiet and composed, like maybe keeping to herself was a way of life. But Nami didn't need to make any assumptions about her.

She noted her watching the falls, noting a glimpse of the fish that swam over the tumultuous water. Her grin grew just a little wider then as she adjusted her weight from one side of her body to the other. "The fishing in Auster - that's what the locals call this continent - is pretty good in general," she volunteered easily. "Definitely check out the southern coast if you ever make it down that way. There's a big wide stretch of sand that's formed into a circle, so when the tide comes in all sorts of fish and sea critters get caught in there!" Too much information? Probably. Nami never knew when to shut up. Still she grinned sheepishly, hoping that the information was at least marginally helpful to her.