
The first step



Intermediate Fighter (45)

Advanced Navigator (110)

5 Years
Paleo species
07-16-2024, 04:52 PM
Rannoch was only just reaching his full potential, the very beginning of the prime of his life. Already though, he was bigger and more impressive than any American Elk, Moose, or Deer. He was one of a kind, a fact he wouldn’t forget for the rest of his life here. He didn’t know that she was unique much like him, having been raised not in the traditional way a faun would be. Unfortunately he missed the gentle blushing of her cheeks as the thoughts of creating a herd together brought.

She agreed that the structure did indeed seem solid, maybe not always but right now it certainly was. Perhaps he would make his way back here to explore once the weather turned warmer, but maybe he wouldn’t. Their eyes met again, and she repeated his name, committing it to memory, before she gave her own with a graceful bow. The giant stag lowered his own uncrowned head in return as she offered her own name in return.

"Luminosa, that’s beautiful.” He returned in kind before she asked about him instead of the structure before them. "I’ve been here… Four winters now. I don’t remember my birth place but it was far far from these lands.” He told her candidly. There was a bit of sadness to his voice and his face as he went on. "There are more deer yes, though none who can hold a conversation like you.” He smiled as he complimented her. "I am the last of my kind, however.” Rannoch looked away in hopes of hiding the emotion in his eyes. "The rest of my herd returned to my birthplace, and I was left behind.”

Antler Status: Spring: Rannoch's antlers are very visibly growing as the great bulbous branches develop underneath soft velvet.