
could you be my savior? [Dhiren]



12-15-2013, 03:09 AM

Dhiren was usually prepared for anything life threw at him. What he didn't expect was for the raging gargantuan to storm up and poke him hard in the chest. He was slightly caught offguard, so his steps back were from the slackness of not being ready for anything then. His brows furrowed and he was about to yell out in protest, but then Syn began to break down her emotional walls. He remained silent and listened as she told him what happened.
The story was heartbreaking even before the physical signs started to show. Syn had lost her parents to Jupiter and her lover, all because of a misunderstanding? His furrow deepened as his ears slipped back against his black crown. How could something like that happen? It seemed out of character for his Sol, but then again, he didn't know her that well to begin with.
He was still not stupid, but bravery was something he clung to with pride. Slowly, he rose to the full height his growth had attained in his short life and padded towards her. She had shied away from him, to make sure the tears wouldn't be seen by his gold and silver opts. Dhiren didn't know why. His sisters always cried freely in front of him, but then again, they did that to get him in trouble. He figured these tears weren't from plotting his demise, but from the heart that her anger was seeping from. Such a weird concept to a six-month-old pup.
Dhiren tried to figure out what to say, for his lashing tongue was eager to whip the air with the words that circled in his chest. They would only make the situation worse and he didn't want that. Instead, he used a different tone as he padded two steps forward, closer to Syn before reclining to his haunches. "My family is not like that, Syn. Jupiter and her woman did that on their own accord; their decision was not ours. I wasn't even alive when they decided to tag team your parents. What they did does not show how my parents and our family act in the same situation." His ears slowly rose and his eyes lost a bit of their twinkle. "I can't begin to imagine how it feels to have Mom and Dad taken from me, let alone my sisters..." He wasn't sure that helped at all, but it was all he could do. "If you decide to stay, you will have some type of foundation...I don't know if you would want that at all. Our Ludicael is not the same one Jupiter ran. Mom is completely different and she isn't the type to seek out others to slay them." In reality, that was how his old Sol sounded.
