
Yes Soup For Me! [Fable]



Advanced Intellectual (95)

Advanced Hunter (110)

5 Years
Extra large

Pride - PansexualSamhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 11K
07-17-2024, 04:11 PM (This post was last modified: 07-17-2024, 04:11 PM by Fable. Edited 1 time in total.)

While she might have prepared a buffet for Oki's daughter at Hemlock, she wasn't quite ready to give herself over to pack life again. She had been a kept creature for far too long, and though it primed her ego to know her talents were so coveted... right now, freedom tasted better than the rarest ingredients a king could provide. Fable had decided to explore some of the more southerly areas of the continent once spring was in bloom - she was chasing the delicious heat of summer and heavy, sun-ripened fruit, but she knew she'd have to wait. Things always progressed faster where the sun shined brighter, so she wasn't discounting any possibilities.

She had heard the call to hunt sound across the open prairie and watched them fell the creature from a distance, but all too quickly they had disbanded and left the rest of the corpse to rot in the high sun. Amateurs. Delicious organ meat still hid deep within while most of the party had only scratched the surface. Fable was debating sneaking in to grab a few choice bits before the coyotes and other scavengers descended when she spotted a yearling extricating herself from the belly of the fallen animal. She was pure white, but she came out streaked and spattered with blood. Fable grinned as she watched the enterprising young girl drag the beast's sizable stomach over to what looked like a cooking fire.

Ahhh, she did miss the mentorship aspect of having a large working kitchen. She stretched her front legs long and low then padded off from her hiding spot tucked in the grasses a short distance away and closed the gap between them to introduce herself. "Hello there, are you looking to prepare something special?" She asked, gesturing to the stomach. "Did you know there's a few separate compartments inside that there thing? Best make sure you've got it good and cleaned before you get started."
