
The Divine Calling [LUDI CLAIM]



12-15-2013, 09:55 AM

It was only recently since the brute was dwelling on leaving the peaceful pack. He felt as though he where drifting away else where- but someone kept pulling him back. Aurora. She'd give him a mouthful of reasons to suck it up, so that is exactly what he's doing. A call would interrupt his bland day, one rather familiar, yet it was only vague in his mind. Lifting up his large frame he'd swiftly meander to the scene, to see a woman crowning herself to be the new queen. He had only met song briefly at the events of Auroras wedding, and yet even though he knew nothing of her- Siarvon knew that she was more then capable of taking up the new ropes of being a strong leader.

He'd slowly step forth into the meeting, his calm gaze pinning upon the pair, before nodding his head in a common respect. " If im still welcome, id like to keep my residence to Ludicael." His faint italian accent would ever so gently coax over his words, but he no longer wanted to be just a citizen, he felt as though he needed to help out more. " Id like to take a rank along the lines of a warrior, if thats approved." Even though his friend was no where to be seen, her mate gave him the answer. If one was present, the other wouldnt be far behind, She would arrive in time. After a few moments he'd step back and look towards Magnus before taking a seat.