
If Only You Knew



The Syndicate

Expert Navigator (220)

Intermediate Intellectual (30)

3 Years
07-18-2024, 08:37 PM

Delaeni watched from a safe distance as the new Sidi laid out the various herbs to dry. The scent of the drying plants danced lightly on the breeze, mixing with the cool scent of retreating winter and the beginning stirrings of spring. Her teal eyes, those lovely pools, watched the icy fae carefully, curiosity piquing at the woman’s actions. Her own presence was inconspicuous behind a cluster of petite pine trees, their shuddering branches providing a welcome shield against the cold.

Why were they drying herbs? She wondered, her heart fluttering anxiously in her chest. She had seen it done before by the healers of the pack, of course, but why did this woman do it now? Didn’t she know that her possessions could be used against her? Her gaze lingered on the woman, cautiously observing her from behind the safety of the underbrush.

Delaeni shifted behind the trees, her splotchy coat blending into the grayscale landscape with a flawless natural camouflage. The unease roiled deep in her belly, making her second-guess the idea of approaching the other Sidi. Yet, there was an unflagging curiosity that caught hold of her anxious heart, preventing her from retreating back to the familiar surroundings of the Sidi dens. Slowly, ever so slowly, she emerged from the safety of her cover, her eyes never leaving the strange fae.

Tentatively, Delaeni started her approach, her body low to the ground as if ready to dart back to safety at the slightest indication of danger. Her heart pounded rhythmically in her ears - a wild drum echoing her fear and uncertainty. Still, she continued on, the aroma of drying herbs pulling her forward. “E-e-excuse me,” she stuttered, halting a few steps away from the woman. Her voice was soft, barely above a whisper as if she was afraid to shatter the serenity of their surroundings with the reality of her deep-seated fear.

"Delaeni Terblanche"

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1. If Only You Knew The Polar Sound 04:11 PM, 07-14-2024 12:45 AM, 10-01-2024