
Eyes in the sky



The Syndicate

Advanced Fighter (105)

Advanced Intellectual (60)

Dire wolf
07-19-2024, 05:39 PM

Mother Absinth went on to explain that panthers were… different. They performed beneath different laws, they operated methodically and were creatures of devotion out of power, or fear. His mind conjured images of Sephiran’s panther- the larger, more ferocious beast that lived in the Sultan’s shadow, fiercely devoted to him but it was not out of mutual respect.

Zagan was a young pup, and had minimal knowledge of the world around him- but he knew fear. He felt it crawl down his spine every time the Sultan was near. The innate bristling of his pelt, the sense of alarm that coursed through him, the instinct to fight or flee. Surely the Sultan’s companions felt the same rush of adrenaline in the presence of their master. But did that make them faithful companions? Would they protect the Sultan until their last breath? With Absinth's teaching, Zagan wasn't so sure.

As her paw ran through his sprouting fur, caressing the sharp quills that poked into her paw pad, Zagan raised into her touch, enjoying her warmth. He kept his eyes on her, absorbing her teachings, storing every concept, every detail, every word in the labyrinth of his growing mind. Fear was a powerful motivator- his own father was the embodiment of the concept. But Absinth was right- fear couldn’t produce passion - and if push came to shove, a creature trained out of fear would turn on its master.

Zagan swallowed down the lump that was growing in his throat, his mind whirling, scenarios of the Sultan’s companions turning on him forming in his head. He wondered how it would feel to be ripped apart by the claws and teeth of a panther.

Manipulation versus fear. Zagan wanted to become a powerful wolf, a man driven by the insatiable need to dominate, similar to his father- but could he foresee himself using fear as his primary motivator? He wasn’t so sure.

His gaze shifted from Mother Absinth for a moment, glancing at his panther standing in the shadows, watching, assessing, waiting. What was it thinking? Did it agree with Absinth’s teachings? Or would it disregard her wisdom, and function out of servitude? Always an arms length from Zagan, emotionally stoic and unable to form a bond? The thought left a sour taste in his mouth.

“Yes, I want to learn more.” He says, turning back to Absinth, eager to learn, to absorb, to grow. “I want the panther to respect me. I…” His voice trails off, his face contorting into a contemplative expression that gives insight into his brain's musings. “I don’t want to be like the Sultan- like my father.” Yes, fear could be a motivator. But he didn't want fear to be the only reason why he rose to power. The only reason why he became the next Saxe Sultan.


As his parents, Sephiran, Absinth, & Aresenn may enter his threads while he is under one year old.