
Beneath the pines



The Syndicate

Beginner Healer (0)

Advanced Fighter (60)

Extra large
07-20-2024, 12:57 AM
Ravana's eyes gleamed with dark delight as she watched Sephiran's brutal display. The sight of the bobcat being thrown in front of her, its body twisting in pain, sent a thrill through her. The fool. It chose to defy the sultan, defy a creature so much bigger than it more so! She stepped closer, her small form radiating an eerie calm and thrill; the two emotions existing within her equally. Her fur did not bristle, no, instead her dagger fangs flashed, eyes wild. The trial laid before her, what daughter would not obey her father’s whims?

Her ears twitched at his words, a swish of her tail behind her caramel frame. “Oh. I will. She replied, her voice a mix of innocence and malevolence. It sounded sweet, but the malice within, the obsessive nature that blazed to life in her lavender eyes betrayed her true colors. Her eyes locked onto the bobcat, now a helpless victim caught with no escape. Ravana's paws flexed, claws gleaming as they met the ground. This violent girl, coming to life at the challenge before her.

She moved around the injured creature, her gaze never wavering. The bobcat's hiss and attempt to lunge at her were met with a swift sidestep and adjustment. It was injured enough to not have proper balance, a fact she took full advantage of. Her lilac eyes flickered to Sephiran for a moment, a sly grin spreading across her face. “So silly. You came to a place when you are prey, not predator.” She purred in her girlish way. She advanced on the bobcat, her claws extending, ready to test the limits of its endurance and her own fascination with suffering.

She lashed out, her claws raking across the bobcat's side, drawing fresh blood. The feline's yowl of pain was music to her ears, fueling her dark curiosity of this new prey. With its new cries and fear-scent to record. Ravana’s eyes danced with morbid fascination as she prepared for the next strike, eager to see how far the line of suffering could be pushed. Maybe it would attack her in full, draw her blood in a way none ever had. She found herself wishing for it, eager to experience the sting of pain.


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