
Steel and claw



The Hallows

Expert Fighter (160)

Advanced Navigator (60)

4 Years
Dire wolf

By the skin of my teethPride - Bisexual
07-21-2024, 01:52 PM
His prediction of the fiery woman's reaction to his attack didn't quite play out the way he hoped since she turned out to be far more combative and willing to take a hit than he originally anticipated. Maybe he should have guessed that with how she charged him at the beginning. His bite on her scruff did land so he figured he might as well keep the grappling hold to give himself another point of leverage as he went to pull her leg out from under her. However, before he could get that grasp on her that he was aiming for, she threw her forelegs up and around his shoulders, leaving them both a little off balance with him on three legs and her on two. With her gripping onto him like this it made it difficult to maneuver in any direction, especially with the awkward angle they were at, so he figured he might as well try to turn her tactic back against her. His foreleg that had originally been aiming for her foreleg lifted to try and hook around her side behind her elbow instead and he began to twist his body while using his foreleg as a point of leverage to try and throw her to the ground on her side. His own stance was shaky at best so all he could hope was that he managed to get her to fall before he fell himself.

Sitri vs Fiametta for Dominance
Round 2/2
Age: Over 1 Year
Size: Dire wolf
Build: Balanced
Offensive Battle Accessory: Dagger
Defensive Battle Accessory: Bracers
Companion 1: Red-Shouldered Hawk, Female - Flying
Companion 2: Snow leopard, Male - Battle
Skills: Expert Fighter & Advanced Navigator
Specialty: Bard from Avacyn

"Sitri Klein-Destruction"