
Go wild!

Desnan kids



Intermediate Fighter (30)

Intermediate Hunter (45)

Extra large
07-21-2024, 03:36 PM

Inferna stirred as she felt the absence of her mother's warmth, a small whimper escaping her lips. She blinked open her pink eyes, the brightness of the den's entrance calling to her like a beacon. She stretched her legs, feeling the urge to explore the unknown world beyond. Her sister's nudges were gentle but firm, and Inferna could sense the excitement in Odierne's voice. "Mom says we're goin' outside."

The words ignited a spark within Inferna, and her heart raced with anticipation. This was the moment she had been waiting for, the moment her world would expand beyond the confines of the den. She scrambled to her paws, her curled tail flicking with eagerness as she followed her sisters out of the den.

As Inferna emerged into the daylight, she paused, her breath catching in her throat. The world was vast and wondrous, filled with sights and sounds she had never imagined. Trees dotted the rocky terrain, their leaves whispering secrets to the wind. The peaks of the island stood tall and proud, their snowy caps a stark contrast to the lush greenery below. She took a tentative step forward, her paws sinking into the cool earth, the crisp breeze ruffling her pristine white fur.

But it was the raven that truly captured her attention. Perched on a nearby branch, its feathers gleamed like polished obsidian in the sunlight. Inferna's eyes widened in awe as she watched the bird, her fascination growing with every second. The raven tilted its head, its intelligent eyes meeting hers, and for a moment, it felt as though they were communicating, sharing an unspoken understanding.

Inferna took another step closer, mesmerized by the raven's presence. Her heart swelled with a mix of curiosity and reverence, the bird embodying the wild, untamed spirit she felt within herself. The raven cawed softly, and Inferna's flopped puppy ears perked up, a sense of connection blooming in her chest. She knew, in that instant, that this was just the beginning of her adventures, the first of many wonders she would discover on this rugged, beautiful island.


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1. Go wild! Alias Island 02:52 PM, 07-21-2024 03:51 PM, 08-29-2024