
It's not usually like this

Bunni and Sin - Fighting Seasonal



Advanced Intellectual (115)

Expert Fighter (120)

6 Years

Samhain 2022Pride - Bisexual
07-21-2024, 04:19 PM

No one would be handing out any awards for Desponia's parenting. It was frankly frustrating to her that she had to teach the whelps. Logically she'd known and expected it but that didn't mean she was all that happy she still actually had to do it. That morning Desponia had decided to at least get started, grabbing two of her daughters the woman led them up and around the mountain. She'd handle Astra, Odierne and her son later, she suspected it would be a little harder to convince atleast two of them to participate and she certainly wasn't in the mood to deal with trying to mind Nox's emotions today, maybe Astra would be able to help in that regard. She had to admit having this many kids at least meant the kids had learned quickly to stop biting, a mini hierarchy shaking out whenever one of them got uppity.

She had a plan in mind as she led the girls. They were still too young for anything too big or dangerous but might as well start introducing them to the idea of more dangerous prey right? Then they could turn back around and get to finding rabbits or birds or whatever. Desponia spotted what she was looking for a little further up the mountain and she stopped, gesturing for her daughters to do the same. "See that?" Desponia gestured with her muzzle. "That's a Dall sheep, they tend to graze around here. Rams have those horns. All sheep also have hooves, which are hard and blunt, you do not want to get hit by them." Desponia glanced back at her girls. "You're too young to take one on right now, even grown wolves can be badly hurt while hunting one. Got it?"

By all rights that should have been it. The ram had been alone, separated from his group probably and though she had pups with her Desponia was a fully grown wolf in packlands. By all rights the ram should have seen her and bolted. And to be fair it did start running... But not away. Desponia had turned around to start herding her kids back down the slope but it was hard to miss the sound of hooves pounding on stone getting closer. It was a strange sight, there was something almost wild in the ram's eyes, his head lowered and horns aimed right at her. Instinct seemed to kick in and Desponia braced, a growl lifting from her throat and she took a defensive stance in front of her kids. Ready to fight the stupid dang sheep, and mostly just hoping the pups would just avoid getting under paw. A likely vain hope. Desponia lowered her own head, meeting the ram's headbutt with her own horns, leaving both jarred for a moment, open.

WC: 467 (467/1500)


Art by yfjyrcnkirsgte
Updated 04/30/23: Still on indefinite scarcity, please do not remind me of threads I am behind on right now.

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1. It's not usually like this Alias Island 04:19 PM, 07-21-2024 06:27 PM, 08-15-2024