
It's not usually like this

Bunni and Sin - Fighting Seasonal



Intermediate Fighter (30)

Intermediate Hunter (45)

Extra large
07-21-2024, 04:38 PM

Inferna's pink eyes gleamed with curiosity as she followed her mother up the mountain. The young wolfdog moved with a raw, untamed grace, each step filled with an eager energy that often made her seem like a small, fierce tempest. Despite her small size, Inferna's presence was electric, charged with a rebellious streak that made her as unpredictable as a summer storm.

As Desponia led them higher, Inferna's mind wandered, her sharp intelligence taking in every detail of their surroundings. The scent of pine and stone filled her nostrils, and the cool mountain air ruffled her thick, white fur, making her feel alive and alert. She glanced at her sister, a silent agreement passing between them - this was an adventure, a test of their mettle.

When Desponia stopped and gestured towards the Dall sheep, Inferna's eyes locked onto the creature with intense focus. The sheep, with its impressive horns and sturdy hooves, looked formidable. Desponia's warning echoed in her mind: "You do not want to get hit by them." Inferna nodded, her expression serious, absorbing every word. She felt a thrill at the idea of hunting such a creature someday, but for now, she knew better than to challenge it.

As Desponia turned to lead them back down the slope, Inferna's ears twitched at the sudden sound of hooves pounding on stone. Her head snapped around, eyes widening in surprise as the ram charged towards them. It was a sight both terrifying and exhilarating - a wild, almost crazed look in the ram's eyes as it barreled forward, head lowered and horns aimed directly at Desponia.

Instinct kicked in, and Inferna mirrored her mother, bracing herself defensively just as she had. She planted her paws firmly on the ground, lowering her head and baring her small, sharp teeth. A growl, surprisingly fierce for her size, rumbled from her throat. Despite her youth and inexperience, Inferna's spirit was unyielding, and she wanted to stand her ground, to protect herself and her family.

Desponia met the ram's headbutt with her own horns, the impact jarring both combatants. For a moment, the world seemed to freeze, the clash of titans captured in stark relief. Inferna's heart pounded in her chest, her body vibrating with a mixture of fear and adrenaline. She was small, but she felt the rush of the fight, the wild, untamed energy of the mountains coursing through her veins.

She glanced at her sister, hoping she was staying out of harm's way, but her attention quickly returned to the ram. The creature was momentarily stunned, and so was Desponia, but Inferna knew this was far from over. She took a step forward, her young muscles tense and ready. Her mind raced, trying to remember every lesson, every instinct her mother had taught her.

The ram shook its head, preparing for another charge. Inferna's gaze hardened, her eyes burning with determination. She might have been a small pup, but in that moment, she was every bit her mother's daughter - a fierce, wild spirit, ready to face whatever came next.

"Stay back!" Desponia's voice cut through the chaos, snapping Inferna out of her trance. She took a reluctant step back, her protective instincts warring with the need to obey. She trusted her mother, and she knew that Desponia would protect them. But even as she retreated, Inferna's gaze remained locked on the ram, her spirit unbroken, her resolve as strong as the mountain itself.

Word Count: 1,040/1,500

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1. It's not usually like this Alias Island 04:19 PM, 07-21-2024 06:27 PM, 08-15-2024