
Two peas




Intermediate Fighter (45)

Intermediate Intellectual (30)

3 Years
Extra large

1KRapid Poster - Bronze
07-21-2024, 09:55 PM

Yara Grey

Yara drifted into a fitful sleep, her mind replaying the day's events over and over. In her dreams, the blight receded, replaced by a comforting warmth. She found herself nestled close to Basilisk, his strong presence enveloping her. She could smell his familiar scent, a mix of earth and strength, and it brought an inexplicable sense of safety.

In the dream, she felt his warmth against her, the steady rise and fall of his chest as he breathed. She nuzzled closer, her heart swelling with emotions she tried so hard to suppress. It felt so real, so tender, and for a moment, she allowed herself to revel in the feeling.

But then, slowly, the dream began to blur into reality. Yara's eyes fluttered open, and she realized with a start that the warmth she felt was not a dream. Basilisk's powerful form was pressed against her, his paws wrapped around her in a protective embrace. She could feel his breath against her neck, his scent intoxicatingly close.

Her heart pounded in her chest, a mix of panic and longing. She froze, unsure of what to do. Her mind raced with conflicting thoughts. How had this happened? Did he think she was Ignita in his sleep? She didn't want to move and wake him, but the intensity of the situation was almost too much to bear.

'What do I do? What if he wakes up? How can I explain this?' Her thoughts were a whirlwind of confusion and fear. She wanted to savor the closeness, to stay wrapped in his warmth, but she knew it wasn't right. He was engaged, and this was a mistake, even if it was an innocent one.

Yara closed her eyes, trying to calm her racing heart. She could feel the steady thump of Basilisk's heartbeat against her back, a reminder of the reality of their situation. She took slow, measured breaths, hoping he wouldn't wake up and realize what was happening.

Please don't wake up, she pleaded silently, feeling the turmoil of her emotions pressing down on her. She couldn't help but feel a pang of sadness, knowing this moment, however accidental, was fleeting.

In the darkness, she remained still, trying to sort through her feelings and the reality of their predicament. Her mind battled with the desire to stay close and the need to respect his boundaries. The internal conflict left her feeling more awake and alert than she had been all day.