
honey revenge




Beginner Intellectual (0)

Intermediate Navigator (30)

Dire wolf
07-21-2024, 10:57 PM

Balanced as precariously as he was on the delicate stilts of his hind limbs, being tackled by his sister was unavoidable. Not to mention, his back was turned and his attention locked on his latest source of entertainment. So he hit the ground quite hard, much of the air forced from his lungs in a soft oof! as Fern landed atop him. When he regained his breath, he couldn't help joining her in gentle laughter. Much as his chest hurt now, and his little legs felt a bit worse for wear, that was fun! He tried to roll, to dislodge her, his downy fur picking up grass and dirt all the while. It seemed to be of Fern's own volition entirely that he was freed, and her attention was drawn upwards as quickly as his had been. She had momentarily settled on her back, rose hued gaze locked on the heavens as the little motes of light drifted overhead.

There was a certain degree of relief that came with hearing that Inferna had thought the same thing about the strange lights, but he was a bit disappointed that he hadn't put two and two together to realize that they were merely insects. Her pale paw shone like a beacon against the darkening sky as she pointed to the little insects, their lights blinking in and out as far as their eyes could see. As the sun continued to set, it seemed like they emerged in even greater number- they looked even brighter than before. The gentle din of their constant buzzing wings must have been audible well beyond the boundaries of the lakeside.

It took a moment for him to realize what Inferna was talking about, that she was drawing his attention elsewhere. Her paw was no longer pointed to the skies, and he rolled onto his flank to follow the new direction of her gaze. There was something in the tall reeds near the lake, something pale as a ghost, just as his sister was. He remained still, resting on his belly with all four legs tucked neatly beneath himself. "Fern- Fern, it could hurt you!" the boy hissed, anxiety evident in his pitchy lyrics. He worried that the creature would not be friendly, that they might have to get away from it as fast as possible. Fern stepped closer, offering a gentle greeting to the stocky alabaster beast. Nox dared not breathe, waiting for the inevitable conflict that would arise. Instead, the little animal scuttled closer to his sister and she was quick to declare to him that she'd made a new friend.

The little wolfdog let out a long breath, relieved that they wouldn't be murdered by the strange creature. "Good grief," he finally said, quiet as a whisper. "let's see if his family is here, Fern. Maybe they miss him?" his voice was gentle, brows knitting together in mild concern. Electric blue eyes were already on the move, roving over the grassy clearing in search of similarly pale bodies lingering somewhere within the lengthening shadows of dusk. Mindlessly, his legs were moving beneath him, drawing his spindly figure further from where his sister stood alongside the strange beast. His dark head poked through the long reeds that lined the shore in dense patches, nose working busily as he investigated as many hiding spots around the lake as he could find.


pixels courtesy of king-lulu-deer & lvx-1