
Never was there ever a girl so pretty

widow - fight seasonal


Queen of Hell

Master Fighter (263)

Master Intellectual (250)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

4 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Statue 5 WorshipThe Ooze Participant
07-22-2024, 06:32 PM

She missed her children that didn't accompany her to Auster. Howl, Terror, Gruesome, and Cryptis- all followed her to their new home. Cadaver and Illusion, however, were their own. She missed them, so terribly bad, so much so that she was about willing to drag them back with her. She had to remind herself that they were a year old now, almost full on adults. She was left virtually alone by this age, though perhaps that was the reason she strove to keep her children close. Widow didn't want to be her mother, abandoning one litter for the next. Her children would always need her, even if they felt that they didn't... So Widow allowed them their freedom, with the hope that they would never fully leave her.

Where her two children were now was beyond her, but their scents were scattered around left and right and so she knew she had to be close. It was when she picked up Illusions scent that she perked up, so fresh and close, but then... there were some disheartening sounds. A brawl, the scent of a buck and her daughter. She had faith in her, yes, but alone against a massive animal? Where was Cadaver?

Her pace changed from a slow trot to a full on sprint, ears perked towards the sounds of the battle. As she grew closer, she could see the massive antlers of the buck through the trees and soon her daughter attached to a leg. She looked fine, sure, but Widow wasn't giving herself time to assess the situation. All she knew what that her daughter was facing this massive buck alone.

Breaking through the trees with a snarl, Widow launched towards the bucks shoulder, seeking to sink teeth until the flesh and sever the muscle, limit it's ability to even walk but the buck was fast. It swung it's massive head around as if it had expected her arrival and shoved her out of the way with it's sharpened antlers. She winced feeling them scrape against her side but she'd been so lucky to not have been penetrated, as the scrapes down her side would have certainly punctured a lung had they broken past her flesh.

She hissed and landed upon her four feet, snarling at the hooved animal. It was only now that she saw the crazed look in its eyes and she wondered, briefly, if it was alright. It was about to not be, so it hardly mattered.

Trusting Illusion to be smart, and too stuck in the moment of protect to find words, Widow launched again but this time aimed for the back of the same leg she had tried to attack prior. Wrapping her teeth around the wrist of the buck, the animal bellowed and tried to rip it's leg free but Widow only tightened her grip more and yanked the leg closer to her, seeking to send the animal crashing down to it's chest, or at least putting it at a horrible and painful angle, limiting it to only two legs to stand on that didn't have fangs wrapped around them.

519 + 489 = 1008
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PSA: I own widow's design as of 2/25/2022

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1. Never was there ever a girl so pretty Soulless Forest 05:58 PM, 07-12-2024 05:57 AM, 08-21-2024