
clean up crew


Queen of Hell

Master Fighter (263)

Master Intellectual (250)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

4 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Statue 5 WorshipThe Ooze Participant
07-22-2024, 07:00 PM (This post was last modified: 07-22-2024, 07:01 PM by Widow. Edited 1 time in total.)
She waited for a few moments and soon Erebos broke through the trees and not long after, Mae and Reaper. Four would be plenty, though she had hoped her children would join. They needed experience, especially if one of them was going to take over for her. It was no matter though, perhaps they didn't have her ambition and that was okay. She wouldn't fault them for that, but she needed an heir. Maybe her next litter would produce one, if she were lucky.

Erebos was always so serious- she had wanted to greet him with a bit of affection but he was quick to ask if they would be taking it over. She could only smile and nod to his first question as he asked the second. Looking around, she also wondered what reminded him of Insomnia. While she missed their prior home she also wanted to be reminded of it, maybe he could enlighten her? She would ask, but later. Mae and Reaper weren't too far behind, and soon everyone was asking her what she wanted of them. Mae had been here with her prior, she knew the reason, so she spoke mostly to Reaper and Erebos now.

"This place- the Bent Canyon, will be an addition to our home. The cliffs have caves and tunnels, perfect for storage or even dens. However, while we claim this place today while other, more appropriate territories surround us, is not solely for what the Canyon has to offer, but what is beyond it. There is a large island with a structure that is our end goal. But for now, we can fish here and we can store things here. Keeping everything in one territory will not be useful when we are raided, we will want our food and wares spread out, so that not everything may be taken," she said, looking between Erebos and Reaper mostly before continuing.

"Reaper and Mae, I would like you both to scout the tunnels and caves. Make sure anything living in there is chased out, and if you find anything useful, sort it into one place. Erebos and I will make the borders strong, then we will meet you in the tunnels to see what you've found," she said with a nod, rising to stand now that the jobs had been assigned. "If you run into trouble, call and we will come. Any questions?"


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PSA: I own widow's design as of 2/25/2022