
One Wrong Turn


12-15-2013, 04:02 PM

Wh-where did I end up? Was I so focused on the hunt that...I got lost? of course. She would get lost in the land. She had never really been anywhere outside of the Seracian territory, and this particular area was new to her. Luckily, the snow had saved her trail, although it wasn't much in the South, at least there was a little for the pups at home to play with. She began a slow march back, the hare she had been chasing clamped firmly in her jaws. Although it wasn't as fat and as plump as usual, at least it was something. Several other hunters had gone out to find food, and although she wasn't part of the hunting group she still wanted to try and bring something back to whomever needed it.

As she walked and became lost in her thoughts, a strange sound caught her attention. Curious, she stopped and listened, a tilt of her head in the direction of the muffled talking that wasn't too far away. Curiosity pulled her forward, her silvery form moving carefully through the brush until she soon came upon an area that was full of briars and other thorny plants. Standing tall, she looked around to see where the source of the commotion had come from, and she would have almost missed him if not for the double take. Sky blue eyes narrowed as she focused on the stranger, and carefully she would make her way over to the limp figure stuck in the bush.

A smile raised the corners of her lips, amused but worried at the same time. She placed the catch on the ground, leaning forward to be at eye level with him as she cleared her throat. "Um..excuse but, you look like you need some help.." she tried to stifle a giggle, and so far she was successful.
