


The Syndicate

Master Hunter (240)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

2 Years
07-23-2024, 12:21 AM
The first rays of the rising sun glinted off Rakia's silken fur, casting molten gold highlights over her rose-tinted coat. Her icy blue eyes- so akin to crystal-clear lake at the center of Arden Glacies- beheld the unfolding beauty of the morning. She stood atop of the ridge, overlooking the descent into the heart of the dormant volcano. Her keen gaze settling on the solitary figure below – the Sultan, himself. The sight of him in the tranquil morning light stirred something within Rakia, a sense of calculating admiration. Her eyes narrowed slightly, her pupils dilating as she processed the sight before her. She remained poised on the ridge, her tail rising and falling with the rhythm of her breath - slow, measured, careful.

She began her calculated descent into the valley, her padded paws moving softly over the dew-kissed grass, leaving barely a trace of her passage. Every rustle of leaves; every chirp of birds; every whisper of the wind reaching her perked ears with startling clarity. The scent of wildflowers peppered the air alongside the earthy fragrance of pine needles warmed by the sun. The resonating pulse of life, reborn anew with the dawn's arrival, hummed rhythmically within her senses, an experience only privy to those who tuned in and paid attention.

The insight Rhazien had provided reeled through her mind- but of course there were was only so much that could be done in preparation. She had spent the majority of her life preparing. But now, she could see the power radiating off him. Indeed, Sephiran was a powerful figure, his regal bearing blatantly obvious even from the distance she was closing- And she craved the opportunity to test her mettle against his. The power he could offer her. She wanted it.

The moment of truth was upon her, Rakia realized as she neared the lake's edge. Coming to stand on the ashy beach just beyond the reach of the water. She watched him, tracing the outline of his masculine frame with her steely gaze. After a silent exhale, she cleared her throat to speak- drawing his attention to her. “Sephiran?” She asked lightly. She wanted him to look at her, to truly see her. The tension in the air thickened, but it was all par for the course. Her icy blues fixated on him- searching for any hint of a response she might get.

"Rakia Perreau"