
All good things come to an end



The Syndicate

Expert Hunter (180)

Advanced Healer (100)

3 Years
Extra large
07-23-2024, 01:11 AM
The girl was unawares. Completely and totally oblivious to the danger looming right beside her. Every second she spent in the hunter's presence, the more she became his prey, and the more she would be lost to the world. Her family never to see her again. Her sister never to know of her adventures. Just another face gone forever. She spoke of bringing a boy home with her. How unfortunate it was that she would never be going home again. "Such lovely plans you've made, Ririka..." Azrael mused aloud, almost wistful as he surreptitiously produced the injector from his satchel, holding it within his paw while eyeing her neck, waiting for the right time to strike. When she turned away to put aside the bones from her breakfast, the hunter struck.

With the side of her neck exposed and vulnerable to him, Azrael swiftly jabbed the injector into where he knew her artery would be. The stonefish spine as sharp as a hypodermic needle pierced through her flesh with no resistance, and as soon as the pressure of her skin pressed into that spine, it began to release the serum within the vial directly into her bloodstream. Azrael watched with wicked glee as the contents of the vial emptied within her in the blink of an eye. He pulled the now empty injector back out and slid away before she could lash out at him, waiting to give the drug plenty of time to take effect.

"Oh, my dear, sweet, Ririka... I'm afraid your adventuring plans are about to be postponed indefinitely," purred the Saxe brute, his mask of benevolence now gone and the true beast beneath revealing itself. He grinned, a sinister flash of sharp teeth from ear to ear while sage green eyes smoldered with barely contained glee, watching her closely, observing her, waiting for his results. The sedative he'd injected her with was very fast, but it always varied a few seconds between subjects. How long would she last before darkness claimed her? "You're going to be coming with me, my lovely little ember. It's high time I began to expand my toy collection." And oh, what a fine toy she would be! Azrael's tail began to wag as he imagined all the fun he was going to have with her.

"Azrael Saxe"

Warning: Azrael is a highly mature character for violent and sexual content. Read his threads with caution.