
Welcome to your worst nightmare



The Syndicate

Expert Hunter (180)

Advanced Healer (100)

3 Years
Extra large
07-23-2024, 02:02 AM
The slog back to the Syndicate and to his island home carting a whole ass wolf on his back was less than pleasant, but the rewards that awaited him at the finish line kept Azrael going. Every so often he would glance back at the unconscious face of Ririka hanging off his back and he would grin. She was such a pretty little thing, young and nubile and just begging to be plucked and broken. Well, as it so happened, Az had openings in his Sidi roster, and Ri fit the bill perfectly. Her misfortune would be Azrael's jackpot. The Saxe brute carried the comatose girl across the border where her scent trail would be lost by any who tried to track her, then deeper into the heart of their territory. Across the sound by the bridge and up the cliffside paths until he reached his den. Mireia was out at the moment, likely gathering things to make the place feel more homely, which left him with plenty of time to begin the process of breaking in his new toy.

Azrael dumped Ririka rather unceremoniously onto his examination table in his apothecary while he gathered up his needed supplies. Ririka was to be treated like every new Sidi coming into the pack—a broad spectrum antibiotic to run off any illnesses, a contraceptive to avoid the unwanted consequences of relieving his stresses with her, and a variety of other sinister drug cocktails designed to start breaking down her psyche piece by piece to make her more subservient and less likely to try to gore him in his sleep. If his calculations were correct, the sedative should be starting to wear off, which meant she'd likely be waking up in a veeeery groggy state in a few minutes. He had to work fast.

Grabbing the antibiotic and contraceptive serums, Azrael set them down on the table beside his newest subject. Then he went back to his shelf of concoctions and grabbed a paralytic agent made from spider venom and azalea extract. Then he settled in beside the table and waited for Ririka to show signs of stirring, a paw idly wandering over her hind leg as he sought out her strongest pulse point there. As soon as her eyes began to open, Azrael fixed her with a saccharine smile and spoke sweetly, "Guten morgen." Then he swiftly jabbed the injector with the paralytic poison into her thigh, straight into her femoral artery. Another direct line to the rest of the body so the serum would kick in even faster. He needed her still for the rest of his work.

"Azrael Saxe"

Warning: Azrael is a highly mature character for violent and sexual content. Read his threads with caution.