
Welcome to your worst nightmare



The Syndicate

Expert Hunter (180)

Advanced Healer (100)

3 Years
Extra large
07-23-2024, 02:19 AM
Ririka awoke in a state of bewilderment, confusion, and terror. It was always so deliciously sweet to see that moment of recognition when they woke up. She tried to squirm and flee, but all her body could manage was a soft pathetic quiver beneath his paw. He could feel her muscles straining, but like a newborn pup, she had no strength in her body. Her muscles were fully paralyzed. She stammered out some words between terrified gasping and Azrael gently shushed her, his free paw coming up to pet her head while he checked her pulse on her throat with his other paw. "Shhhh... Nothing's wrong, my dear. That's just the drug doing its job. Now relax and let me finish my examination."

Paying no heed to Ri's scared expression, Azrael measured her pulse, finding her heart rate a little elevated, but otherwise normal—expected given the circumstances. Good, the drugs hadn't harmed her cardiovascular health. Taking her forepaw in his, Az lifted her limp paw up off the table. "Keep your paw held up like this for me, Ririka," he instructed her, then let her paw go, watching as it flopped limply down to the table again. Excellent. She was fully paralyzed. "Can you feel any of this?" he asked her, applying gentle pressure to different parts of her body, beginning at her shoulder, then slowly working his way down her slender side, subtly caressing the natural feminine curves of her body. When he reached her thigh, he extended his claws and dug them into her skin a bit, not quite enough to draw blood, but looking for a reaction from her. "Can you feel this?"

"Azrael Saxe"

Warning: Azrael is a highly mature character for violent and sexual content. Read his threads with caution.