
Welcome to your worst nightmare



The Syndicate

Expert Hunter (180)

Advanced Healer (100)

3 Years
Extra large
07-23-2024, 02:47 AM
The girl whimpered, she whined, she begged and pleased with him to stop. Azrael heeded none of her pitiful attempts to sway him. Any wolf with half a decent heart would have felt some sympathy for her. But Azrael Saxe was no half decent wolf. Ririka was nothing but a toy for him to use, a piece of property with a purpose and he would use her to that purpose. She didn't give him the answers he was looking for, but her weeping and whining as he felt along her side was confirmation enough. She begged him to stop, then asked why he was doing this. At that, Azrael did actually pause, his paw still on her thigh, resting right over her pulse point. Sage green eyes peered down into fiery amber ones, looking at her like he was studying her. Then he showed his true nature with a single counterpoint.

"Why not?"

Jab! A second injector came down into her thigh, this one the antibiotic to help ensure she was clean for use. This one would take more time to kick in, but at least it would get started while he worked. The next one he picked up was the contraceptive, which likely wasn't needed seeing as how she wasn't in heat currently, but being the medically-inclined wolf he was, he knew pregnancies could happen at any time, no matter how unlikely they were. So into her thigh the contraceptive injector went, ensuring she would not bare his pups—yet. "How are you feeling, Ri? Tell me everything you're feeling or not feeling right now," he asked her as he gathered up the empty injectors to move them aside for sterilization. For her sake, she had better answer him this time. Any more insufferable pleading and he would have to discipline her.

"Azrael Saxe"

Warning: Azrael is a highly mature character for violent and sexual content. Read his threads with caution.