
Welcome to your worst nightmare



The Syndicate

Expert Hunter (180)

Advanced Healer (100)

3 Years
Extra large
07-23-2024, 03:03 AM
Aaaaaand again she ignored his question... Azrael heaved a sigh and rolled his eyes. Why was it always the same questions with these Sidi? "What are you going to do to me?" "Why are you doing this?" "Why me?" For once, why couldn't they just be cooperative, like Mireia had been? Well, no matter. It just meant the Saxe brute was going to have to ramp up his breakdown of her mind. "That first injection was a paralytic serum I made from wandering spider venom and azalea extract—both potent paralyzing poisons. Not permanent, but they'll last long enough." Long enough for what? Ririka would be finding out soon. "The second injection was just an antibiotic. I want to make sure you're healthy before I keep you around and use you." She was young, but she wasn't stupid. She'd know what he was referring to. If she was somehow so sheltered that she didn't even know what breeding was... well, Azrael was going to mature her up fast.

Picking up another injector from the shelves, Azrael smiled a wicked smile and made his way back over to the examination table. "The third injection was a contraceptive. I didn't know if you were already on a contraceptive regiment or not, and it won't do me any good to have you getting pregnant, and I'd love to avoid having Sephiran tear my head off." Oh yeah, she'd know what was up now. "And this..." Azrael held up the vial of clear liquid in front of her eyes and gave it a little swirl. " going to make this so much more fun and interesting."

With a dark little chuckle, Azrael jabbed the injector into her neck this time, wanting the serum to flow through her nerves and brain as quickly as possible. The sensitizing agents hadn't been tested yet, and Ririka would be his first. He wanted to see just how sensitive to touch he could make her. Would she even begin to enjoy this? "Tell me what you feel, Ririka," he directed her again and began to slowly stroke his paw along her side from shoulder to hip. Would she actually obey him this time, or was he going to need to get a truth serum dose in her too? He hoped not. He didn't know what her body's tolerance to his poisons and serums would be, and overdosing her would ruin the fun too soon.

"Azrael Saxe"

Warning: Azrael is a highly mature character for violent and sexual content. Read his threads with caution.