
buzz, buzz, oooo it glows like me!



Intermediate Fighter (30)

Novice Navigator (20)

Dire wolf
07-23-2024, 12:16 PM
They were free from the den and that meant being able to finally make her way across that bridge! The bridge was terrifying at first. Magdalene wouldn't have ever said that aloud, but her paws had definitely slowed their roll as she trotted across it. But once she was on the other side, courage bloomed in her chest once more as she stuck it out out and brought her head up high.

Moving along at a high-stepping prance, Mags set out for somewhere that would include the most fun ever. There was a whole world to explore and she was intent on seeing it all! Taking herself east from the large stones that piled up around the entrance to the mainland, the pup was quickly drawn in by the dancing lights. Tilting her chin up as she pranced through the tall grass, she lets out a gasp of awe as she watches the fireflies begin to stir. Dusk had just started to set along the horizon, illuminating the bugs and soon the glassy surface of the lake laid out before her.

Reaching up to snap at the bugs, curious to know how they tasted, she's soon caught off guard when her paw splashes into the shallows of the lake. A yelp leaves her as she bounces backward. Shaking off her wet paw, Mags soon notices how some of the markings along her leg begins to glow softly. Her head cants, curious why such a thing was happening to her. Was she too like the bugs that danced in the sky? Only one way to find out!

Spreading her paws, lowering her body, and wiggling it about like a cat, Mags pounces forward into the water. Waves rush up around her as she envelops herself. Giggles light the air, disturbing nearby ducks and rodents. When she leaps back onto the dry shore, she looks back at herself with continued awe. Indeed, she was glowing just like the bugs! Her bright eyes turn up to the fireflies, a smile spreading across her muzzle.

Magdalene Antonis
table coding by bunni ♥

Desponia & other family members are welcome to enter her threads until she is 2 years old.
Magdalene's antlers will not be fully grown until she is 1 year old. They will shed yearly similar to a normal deer.
Her most colorful markings are imbued with bioluminescence that glow brighter the wetter her fur is.
Expect her companions to be nearby, but not always within sight.