
blight schmlight... right?



Beginner Fighter (0)

Beginner Navigator (0)

2 Years
07-24-2024, 12:21 PM (This post was last modified: 07-24-2024, 12:24 PM by Eirik. Edited 1 time in total.)
He was used to feeling like shit. This wasn't anything new, so why did he feel so bad? Snot ran from his nose and his stomach churned, yet he hadn't eaten anything in what felt like days. The water he drank earlier was already long gone, left somewhere near the river he drank it from. What could have made him feel so sick? Had that rabbit he had a week ago been too rotten? He'd eaten worse, he was sure. But this- this was not the kind of 'feeling like shit' he was used to. He was used to blood, wounds, sores, weakness that stemmed from being beaten and abused... even occasionally starved, but this was unlike anything he had ever felt before.

He was barely walking now, dragging his paws through the grass between trees of this forest. Or at least he hoped it was a forest- he'd started hallucinating hours ago so for all he knew these trees were a part of it. They seemed like they were moving, standing still in one place before appearing before him suddenly. His eyes were hard to keep open but they were- he couldn't close them, he couldn't give up... even if it sounded like the right thing to do.

As he expected, another tree appeared before him... but this one, this one was solid. He walked face first into it and toppled, a string of curse words coming out of him no louder than a hoarse mumble. Now laying crumpled on the ground at the base of a sturdy tree trunk, he groaned and his head spun, throbbed even. He tried to pull his legs beneath him to stand, but he could barely even do that let alone support his own weight. Maybe just a little nap... maybe then he would feel okay.