


07-24-2024, 03:02 PM
first suggestion: I think we should do a birthday thing where we are gifted 50 gems once a year! Maybe we can do this through maintenance and request it ourselves to avoid the hassles. Would be super fun and sweet.

and my second suggestion is: I think LadyElin should be boosted to a staff position, especially after hearing they applied themselves. I feel this way because: during my months on ardent, I have found her help to be professional, comforting, advising and genuinely helpful. I myself try to avoid the discord general staff question channel because I'm afraid of not understanding what is being told to me more than once. To avoid spamming it and having general anxiety, Ive gone to LadyElin to clarify details that may or may not of been touched on. They really are just so supportive of the site as whole I feel, not to mention their constant activity on ardent and discord. LadyElin has also showed me firsthand how to be a good, level headed & fair role-player by displaying what it looks like to be one. When I first joined, I had LadyElin to guide my step to where I am today. Without them, I don't think I would've gotten to official sparring, skill points or socializing as much as I have. Because it was a bit intimidating and well, new for me as a role-player. Thanks LadyElin for all you do for me, and others on ardent.