
The Spot



The Hallows
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An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

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Critical Fail!
07-24-2024, 09:36 PM

Ellara Praetor

A maiden of roses stood at the precipice of the Moonlight Cliffs, an ethereal glow casting off her fur beneath the light of the full moon. Her heart echoed the rhythmic crash of the waves of the Eastern Sea that was nearly 200 feet below. A lush field of wildflowers spread out on either side of her, a deceptive scene that masked the peril one could find themselves in out on these cliffs.

Her journey from Auster has been long and arduous, each step a testament to her unwavering dedication to her love. Now that she was resting, the wind that came up the cliffs was a cool whisper that caressed her and helped her relax. Ellara inhaled deeply, letting the crisp air fill her lungs and steady her racing heart. She was here, at last, to reunite with Melisande, the woman that had captured her heart with an intensity that matched the moonlight now bathing her in its glow.

Her armor was growing heavier every second that she wasn't moving. She carefully removed her bracers and unclasped her bone collar, setting them down delicately in the wildflowers with some reverence. The bones of her armor seemed to gleam in the moonlight. They were symbols of all the battles she had experienced up until this point; she was not the same wolf! A fresh pink scar adorned her left flank and her muscles were toned and much tighter than her last encounter with Melisandre.

Finally, she let out a howl.. calling for her love under the light of the moon and only praying that she was nearby. They had made a promise to meet each other here, but would she remember? Did she still want to see her? Nervousness built a lump in her throat but Ellara lifted her head with confidence and willed it away, her eyes narrowing as a smile played across her lips.. thinking of the beautiful face of her love.

Ellara "Ella" Praetor

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1. The Spot Moontouched Cliffs 09:36 PM, 07-24-2024 01:16 PM, 07-29-2024