
Unseasonably Warm [Atreyu]



Intermediate Navigator (40)

Intermediate Intellectual (40)

3 Years
07-25-2024, 04:52 AM (This post was last modified: 08-18-2024, 07:10 AM by Valkeyrie. Edited 3 times in total.)
As her head dipped to lap at the cool water Val heard a voice. Her head slowly raised as she studied her surroundings, appearing outwardly calm yet underneath her thick fur her muscle were tense and ready for whatever would come. The voice was lowered, as if hiding away from something. Her eyes narrowed as it fell on the woman. Her colouring was strange and the fact that she was half hidden did not inspire Valkeyrie into any immediate form of trust. The body language that she could see appeared friendly, yet she had seen poison coated in honey before.

The most emotion that Val had shown was the slight narrowing of her eyes at the creature, despite the lack of outward emotion internally she was struggling. On one hand she wanted to immediately say yes, immediately offer to help the other as she had done so often in the past. Yet the more realistic side of her knew that helping strangers was not something worth doing. Her ears flicked as she came to a decision.
“It is a delight to meet you Atreyu” she responded gently, “I myself am unfortunately preoccupied at this current point and so I cannot offer any assistance”

As if to drive home the point she dipped her head and took a deep drink of water. Her eyes remaining steady on the creature and her body ready to bolt should it be needed. In that moment she likened herself to the prey animals she had just passed, eager to run from conflict. Yet at the end of the day what would conflict bring her but despair and pain?

The river bubbled quietly, a soothing sound that despite the tenseness of the situation made it seem calmer than what it was. With a glance at the water she noticed how shallow it was, she could clearly see the coarse dirt and rocks that lay at the bottom of the stream. She was sure that if she studied it for long enough she would see a small fish or two. The situation did not allow her to look away for long though and so her eyes quickly snapped back to the guest.

*Added for Navigator points
Navigator 2/3
Intellectual 1/3