
buzz, buzz, oooo it glows like me!



Intermediate Fighter (30)

Novice Navigator (20)

Dire wolf
07-25-2024, 12:27 PM
Someone calling out her name causes her to spin, droplets of water quickly whisked away from her body as she looks to Inferna. A smile spreads out across her muzzle as her albino sister draws near, her own tail wagging furiously to match her sister's excitement. When her eyes land upon the wolverine, Mags let out a gasp, a note of surprise on her face.

"He. Is. Adorable!" She shrieks, her body bouncing up and down excitedly as she steps closer to investigate the small creature. "He's so cool, Fern. Ya think I'll have a cool pet one day?" Mags' tilts her head, curious, tempted to nudge and prod at the baby wolverine, but finds the restraint to hold back.

Quickly her attention is drawn back to Inferna and the strange happening of her markings along her body. Wiggling from snout to tail, one might think she would've run out of energy by now, but all she could feel was energy. Her own giggles light the air as she spins in a circle. "You think the star bugs did this? I love it! Watch this!" Mags' voice is shrill, but elated. Her paws dart her toward the water, splashing into the shallows to spray water back up onto her body. "Every time I get wet, I get brighter!" She shouts at her sister as she runs back over.

"Well yeah, duh, of course we can play!" Her brows draw together, a look of you don't gotta even ask on her face before it returns once more to the cheeky grin and bright crinkly eyes of puppy happiness. Glancing around quickly, she thinks about what they could play. "What if we play hide and seek?!" Mags offers, her gaze lingering on the tall reeds and cattails that line the lake. A perfect place to hide! Plus they could wander and explore some more too to see what else the lake had other than the star bugs that danced lazily around them.

Magdalene Antonis
table coding by bunni ♥

Desponia & other family members are welcome to enter her threads until she is 2 years old.
Magdalene's antlers will not be fully grown until she is 1 year old. They will shed yearly similar to a normal deer.
Her most colorful markings are imbued with bioluminescence that glow brighter the wetter her fur is.
Expect her companions to be nearby, but not always within sight.