
The owls are gathering

Bunni, LadyElin



Master Hunter (280)

Expert Healer (145)

1 Year
Dire wolf
07-25-2024, 12:40 PM
"Asahi, we're a year old now. Father says it's okay to leave the bamboo," the words are confident as they leave Jiro's mouth. Silver eyes turn down to his smaller sister, lips curling up into a brotherly grin. "Plus, you have me to protect you!" He lifts his head and puffs up his chest ensuring that the glistening sun above catches the curves of his horns. Truthfully, he didn't need an excuse to leave the bamboo, but their father had mentioned in passing that he wished for Asahi to get out more. That it would help her grow and be more courageous. Jiro didn't really get it, but he wouldn't say no either. He enjoyed Asahi's company and maybe if they travelled north enough, they might pass by Imogen or even Finch... Not that he was hoping or anything.

Their journey that day started early in a rather clear and balmy winter day. Beneath his massive paws, the soft ground squishes slightly, a clear sign that it had indeed been raining a lot lately. He had hoped for snow, but as the days continued with rain day after day, he began to lose hope. "Since it doesn't get cold here, at least the plants never really die," Jiro comments as they begin to approach God's Garden. It had been some time since he'd last visited the sprawling stone meadow, but it appeared the same as it had before. Flowers bloomed in varying colors. Grass grew as tall as it could, reaching high to the sky where the deer hadn't grazed upon it.

"See here, Asahi, Arnica!" Jiro points with a paw to the cluster of yellow flowers before stopping when his silver eyes land on the form of a stranger. "Greetings," Jiro calls out in the common tongue, his accent clear and thick compared to those not native to his father's lineage. "Are you here gathering Arnica too?" He questions, head tilting as he wanders over to the flowers, leaning down to pick one with his teeth before offering it to his sister for her to inspect.