
Home is where the floor is



Beginner Fighter (0)

Novice Healer (15)

2 Years
08-01-2024, 04:29 PM
The plague that seemed to settle over half the Armada was a troubling circumstance indeed. Marina had tried her best to mask her worry around others, but in the solitude and quiet of the treehouse, it was impossible to keep from feeling like the whole pack was holding its breath, just waiting for the other shoe to drop. The healer did her best to ward off the blight by burning sage and lavender in the treehouse, cleansing the befouled air as best she could to try and keep their home safe from the growing infection.

Wandering through the treehouse with fresh sage to replenish the ashes in the incense plates, Marina was going idly through her routines when a soft creaking and groaning underfoot caught the fae by surprise. Her brow furrowed, lilac eyes staring down at the floorboards, studying them as if she could see through them to the boughs holding the house up. Marina took another experimental step, listening to the groaning of the wood beneath her weight… then another… Creeeeeak… That didn’t sound good.

Glancing around the treehouse to try and find Wylan, Marina called out, "Wylan? I think something’s wro-" SNAP! The board beneath her forepaw suddenly cracked and Marina tumbled forward. Then there was a cacophony of snapping and breaking wood, and then gravity kicked in. Marina didn’t even get a chance to scream before she was free falling as the treehouse collapsed around them. The fall lasted only seconds, but felt like ages to her. When Marina finally hit the ground, she felt the earth knock the air from her lungs and the debris of the treehouse coming down on top of her. A sharp pain lanced through her hind leg. Marina yelped and braced herself against the falling debris.

Moments later, the calamity was over. Shifting underneath the warped and broken wood, Marina pushed the remnants of the treehouse off her body and instinctively began to triage herself. She saw the jagged piece of wood sticking out of her thigh before she really felt it, seeing her own blood coating the sharp end and dripping down her leg. Marina gasped for breath, each inhale aching like she'd been punched in the chest. Adrenaline coursed through her veins with each beat of her pounding heart, the chemical allowing her to overcome the pain and drag herself to her paws. She didn't dare try to remove the wood impaling her leg just yet. Opening the wound could cause her to bleed out if she didn't have the necessary supplies immediately at hand.

"Wy-lan..." Marina called out through gritted teeth, her voice barely above a pained groan. Wylan had been in the treehouse with her. She had to find him. Hobbling through the wreckage, the Songbird sniffed about until she found the great lump of wolf half buried under the rubble. Shit! No time was wasted as Marina limped over to the unconscious Wylan, pushing the debris off of his face and checking him for any obvious damage. "Wylan...! Wake up...!" She jostled his head and lightly smacked his cheeks, hoping to stir the incapacitated wolf. There was no way in hell she'd be able to move him if he was out cold. They'd be well and truly fucked out here on their own in this state.


As her master, Basilisk may enter her threads unannounced.