
More To Life Than Being Home



The Syndicate

Expert Hunter (130)

Expert Navigator (140)

2 Years
07-25-2024, 05:40 PM

Waiting became nonexistent shortly after his call. ‘Fore a bundle of fiery energy matching that of an even more flammable coat came bounding from the gapping mouth. Her words flying out like disturbed bats which caused him to simply stare. A lip drew back in something of a smirk as he turned and began walking in direction of the high mountains. Their display just miles away; yet, within reach of where they stood. It wouldn’t be long until they reached them. So he began his lecture with words. Until he could show her by actions. "Bear with me. I am not one to teach. But, I will give it a try." He chose to be truthful with the young one. Occasionally glancing down to ensure she was close and listening.

"Navigation is a technique that many hate to learn. It requires more than just walking, running and jumping. To climb a mountain, you must know how to properly use your weight, toes and muscles. When swimming, there is knowledge to being able to use your strengths against waves. We use navigating when fighting, traveling, raiding, and many other things." He slipped through the cracks of a gathering of bushes. Their branches poking and prodding his coat along the way. As an ear drew t’wards the sound of rushing water. "When you became an expert, you can sneak into others territories unknowingly. Steal things that do not belong to you." Cifa chuckled at this. Was he teaching her a skill or how to become a thief? Either way, he came to a halt just at the riverbank.

"I will allow you to choose. Would you like to swim or climb?"
