
If you wanna get out alive




Expert Fighter (146)

Advanced Hunter (60)

4 Years
Extra large

07-26-2024, 09:22 PM

I'll take another hit to the backbone

His paws had brought him far from Auster. His sights were set upon retrieval and destruction. There were reasons his sons had not been allowed to come, reasons they would learn when he returned victorious. He would have their mother and every slave he could find in toe, or freed. Like hell he would leave them to these disgusting bitches. For that's all they would be to the bruiser.

His eyes set on the encampment his son had drawn for him, the icy landscape hiding it almost perfectly. It had taken him a while to find but he had finally found it. He stood on a spot overlooking it as the sun kissed it for the morning light. This would be the last morning these bitches had. He wasn't letting a single slaver live. They had crossed the wrong man, taken the wrong woman and man. He could see the camp starting to come to life and he breathed a plume of heated air from his wrinkled nose. Eyes narrowed on one form he could see in the confinements. His prize today. A fiery female with white and black kissing her beautifully small form. His ears pinned and he lowered his head. A silent signal.

Ruby quickly took off from his shoulder armor where she had perched to avoid the night winds. Her mission was simple, give a glimpse before the actions of Bae as he had planned. Her form flew and he knew her goal before even the others. Her intelligence would be key today. She would get the locks off cages and be silent about it while Bae did his work.

At that he did move, his dog faithfully on his heels. Both lashed their tails and snarled as they skulked to the camp. And even as the guards caught sight his plans were already in motion. As they attempted to stop him with words those snarls would grow into roars. Roars that told Ruby to begin. Bae burst forth, a monster into the camp. His dog and him working in tandem, teeth ripping flesh, blind rage unleashing upon the camp. He cared not who had families or children here today. They had all done wrong.

As he assaulted the camp, Ruby was easily able to land on the confines that held Lucy, her knowledge of what Bae wanted in the end bringing her to conclusions of freeing Lucy first. Her squawk quiet to catch the attention of Lucy, if the ruckus just outside the camp gates already hadn't. Her beak then set to work breaking the locks and freeing Lucy. In her opinion Bae might need her, but neither knew the damage that might of already been done. She was only guessing based on her knowledge of the woman prior.

Bae had been set on by eight males in this time. His jaws clamped on one and tossed with the rage of a demon who had been brought from hell itself. Every ounce of Asmodeus blood in his veins had been awakened for this lot of bastards. Nothing but snarls and roars came from his lungs. His dog less vicious but just as angry kept as many as he could off Bae's back though he knew he could only do so much.

Blood was painting the ground and Bae could hear screams and yelps of terror and pain in his ears, but his sole purpose was getting Lucy or dying trying. Even as their numbers dwindled he knew he wouldn't be done yet. As he dispatched one though a deep guttural laugh caught his attention and he turned to face the large brute that now slunk towards him from the camp. From what he could figure this must be their leader. His tail lashed and lips peeled as he shot at the male. Their chests clashed and they were on their hind legs, jaws biting at each other. Flesh tearing on both as they battled. Bae only roaring each time blood was spilled from him. They were locked in combat with each other as his bird covertly did her best to break locks and free prisoners and slaves, searching for two in particular.

Walk, "Talk", Think

I'm picking up the heat like an atom bomb

As his best friend and personal medic, Lucette is allowed to enter Bae-Syl's threads as she sees fit. That being said Bae-Syl is her self appointed protector and might enter threads with her in them to ensure her safety.