
Just hanging around



07-27-2024, 12:32 PM

Panic consumed the little poet as she hung up in the trees next to the river. Aia had just been walking along, minding her own business, when she stepped into a trap and WHOOSH, up into the air she went. The small fae called out for help, but no one came. Aside from the beavers, that is. They refused to help since wolves ate their kind often. She couldn't blame them for that but she really, really could have used their assistance. Aia could only hope that someone would come along eventually. Periodically she howled, hoping that someone might hear her cry for help. They didn't.

Two days. Aia had been stuck up in the sky for two whole days. She had tried to chew through the thick netting, but she'd made little progress. Panic and chewing made her tired, so she slept in her unintentional hammock. Again and again she tried to escape, but she was just too small. She didn't have enough power. Gods... was she going to die up here?

Waking up from one of the many naps that she took, Aia spied an auburn form walking below. Instantly she began to struggle, calling out for help with delicate, fairy-like tones. "Hello! Can you help me?!" Their eyes met and she pleaded silently. It didn't take long for the man to work his magic along with the help of his companion. He promised to catch her and Aia's heart hammered in her chest. As she fell, she let out a little shriek, but he did, in fact, catch her.

The man held her close for a moment and Aia buried her face in his chest, eyes squeezed tight. Once she was back on her feet, she wobbled a bit and sat. Gods, was she stiff! Blue eyes lifted to the brute as he spoke and suddenly all of Aia's shyness had returned. Dark ears slanted outwards as he asked how long she'd been up there. "Two days," she barely whispered. "Th-thank you for helping me." Heat filled her cheeks and she stared at the ground. She was so horrible at being social.

"Aia Indarra"