
Basilisk and Ignita litter!

Dragon Mod


13+ Years

Easter Egg Hunt 2023Rapid Poster - RainbowPride - DemisexualEaster 2022Toys for Tots
07-27-2024, 06:35 PM (This post was last modified: 07-30-2024, 10:08 PM by Dragon Mod. Edited 6 times in total.)

Out-of-Character Name: Dragon

Character's Name: Cobalt Fatalis

Adult Height: 42"

Size: Medium

Gender: Male

Build: Balanced

Appearance Description: Averaging about 42", Cobalt is a decent balance between mother and father. Although he's nowhere near as large as his father, his size fits in well enough with the rest of the Fatalis. He's neither bulky nor thin, but a good balance in between. His coat is bathed in shades of blue much like many in the Fatalis line, ranging from dark shades of blue and lightening in some areas. On closer inspection and dependent on lighting, you can even see a bit of darker blue striping across his form. The more notable markings on him, however, is the gold striping on his forelegs, and the flecking on the back of his neck. He also carries a gold strip on the bridge of his muzzle, as well as the infamous Fatalis marking etched in gold over his left eye.

Personality: Cobalt takes after both mother and father. He is headstrong, passionate, strong-willed, and can sometimes be impulsive. That's not to say the latter is a bad thing. Often it can make or break a decision that he needs to make on the fly. As a child, his passion and strong-will will emerge with a fury! He looks up to his father and those that came before him, pushing himself to great lengths to please him and uphold the Fatalis name. He wants nothing more than to be the apple of his parents' eye, and prove to himself (and them), that he's worthy of the name and title. Cobalt is determined and a hard worker, seldom will he be seen slacking and instead, potentially working himself to the bone. As a child, this will be displayed in his lack of wanting to play "childish games" and will instead, prefer to want to be around his parents or other pack members in a bid to learn all that he can as quick as he can.

Knowledge is power, after all, but so is strength. And the more he learns, the more he'd be able to use his strength to protect his family and pack, and there's no telling what lengths he'd go to in order to accomplish this. One might claim he might even risk death if it came down to it, and even though he might appear selfish...he does have a bit more of a soft spot for his family.

As he ages, Cobalt's lack of...self-restraint may become evident. While he generally does his best to remain calm and collected, he does have his limits and he does tend to have a temper which can often lead him into trouble if he's not careful. When his temper flares, he may act recklessly or say things he doesn't mean out of anger, which again, may get him into trouble. But he isn't perfect, after all, nobody is.

Another thing Cobalt may struggle with is his view of the world. He has the tendency to see the world as black and white, and may fail or struggle to see anything in between without some guidance. Although he does have compassion for others, it's just not given to those that he feels are unfit to be left alive (rapists, slavers, murderers, etc). That being said, he does have great compassion for others, especially the weak and innocent. but on the same side of the coin, he struggles in the way of empathy and is prone to taking things at face value, evaluating situations or ideas based solely on his own perspective and may rarely think deeper about it unless someone else points it out to him.

(Will add more to personality if I get him c:)

Alignment: Chaotic good (or maybe take after Bas as chaotic neutral)

Skills: Fighting x tba

Mutations: I don't expect to have any mutations unfortunately due to limited income at the moment :')

Themed Mutation or Disability: If chosen, crystal fangs for mutation, am also open to a disability (just gotta figure out what)

Intended plots / other: (Optional)

(Workin on it now)

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1. Basilisk and Ignita litter! Adoptions 04:29 PM, 06-29-2024 12:07 AM, 08-24-2024