
Absence Makes the Heart Grow Fonder


12-15-2013, 10:39 PM (This post was last modified: 12-15-2013, 10:41 PM by Flamesong.)
The sun was setting quickly over Alacritis, dropping the temperature by several degrees and sending many diurnal creatures to their dens. It was this time of day that Flamesong felt the most comfortable, sending his golden amber eyes into the fiery night sky for comfort. His kind was teeming with activity in these nocturn hours. Wolves emerged from warm nests to commune beneath the moonlight and the nightowls sang a beautiful lullaby to entertain the animals below.

His paws stepped carefully through the unknown territory surrounding him. The ground was cold and damp and told him that there had been recent rainfall upon the grassy plain. He found a small indent in the earth and lapped cool rainwater from its depths, finding that the water carried the strong tang of iron. Blood had been spilled here, and with blood came the presense of warriors.

Ebony auds swiveled forward quickly as the sound of a nearby pack reached his senses. Without a second thought, Flamesong lifted his maw into the chill night air and sang two peircing cries, calling out to any authority that would hear him. He would not allow this pack to pass beneath his nose like so many others. It was time to serve.