
Make a man out of you

Fighting lesson with Atreyu



Master Fighter (305)

Beginner Hunter (0)

An icon representing the specialty Berserker Berserker

4 Years
07-28-2024, 07:13 AM
"Fair enough." Alric rumbled at Atreyu's words. He didn't want to kill her in their last battle, but his attacks were vicious none the less. When she asked about his combat experience, he shrugged his shoulders slightly and twitched and ear. "I've had my fair share." He said, falling quiet shortly after. Flashes of his enslavement invade this mind. The callous snarls of Oberyn, the feeling of the scars along his back as he was whipped, the image of watching his family flee and leave him behind to rot at the hands of Oberyn. On the outside, Alaric looked simply lost in thought. On the inside, he was battling back the memories and the emotions that tried to arise with it. Mostly the rage. The boiling, all consuming rage towards the world and what had happened. It burned a hole in his soul. He did not know who he was without it. His gaze flickered to Atreyu, the spell seemed to be broken. He let out a sigh, although a quiet one. "Let's start on your defenses." He told her. "You need a solid defense foundation before you can move onto offensive moves." He explained. "Show me your best defensive stance." He instructed her.

Maul and Cinder were doing their best to train Bigs. Being unable to speak, Maul was using Cinder as a stand still dummy of sorts. Maul would chuff and use his paw to gesture towards Cinder. His paw would point at the sensitive underbelly, tail, even genitalia of Cinder. In his own ways he was telling Bigs to use his size to go for the most painful low hanging fruit of his opponents. Where Bigs's little maws would do the most damage to a much larger opponent versus a head on attack.

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1. Make a man out of you Aspen Dam 07:38 PM, 07-11-2024 11:35 PM, 09-10-2024