
If you wanna get out alive




Expert Fighter (146)

Advanced Hunter (60)

4 Years
Extra large

07-28-2024, 04:21 PM

I'll take another hit to the backbone

Bae knew when Lucy was free. The repeated squawking of Ruby was the give away. He and his companions had worked this out together previously. If Bae-Syl had felt too beat to keep going that was his signal. Though Bae-Syl was too high on adrenaline and bloodlust in the moment.

Blood coated parts of him. There was at least four dead wolves he had personally dispatched. His hock was a a bloody mess from his thigh, but he cared not. His jaws were working on flaying the massive brute he was locked in combat with. His own shoulders, and neck were a bloody mess.

He could hear his dog yelp as a crack sounded but he had no time to save him right now. His tail was raised in dominance and it seemed not even the Brute's own forces would step in on the blood bath Bae-Syl had ensued in. Whether it was out of respect or stupidity Bae wasn't sure. His earpinned as he went to force the brute back and in the samemotion an opening was made. His jaws closed on the brute's throat and bae forced him on his back as he started thrashing beneath Bae. All that thrashing would do him no good. Bae snarled through clenched jaws and his head and neck started working. His own body starting to thrash.

The tearing of flesh was a beautiful sound to his ear as he flung the large chunk of the brute's throat. His eyes narrowed and finally after what felt like lifetimes they locked on a set of emeralds. A quick glimpse was all he spared himself though as he rounded on the other males that had come to fight but were slowly dwindling. His dog had his front leg hanging limply but was still on a pair.

Time to even the score for him. Bae was off leaving bloody paw prints in his wake but adrenaline surged through his veins keeping him from caring about the pain or his injuries. Ruby was setting more free he could hear but his prize was already free so he didn't care even as females and males ran from the camp behind him with tails tucked and bodies kept low. Ruby was doing her bit, thats all that mattered, even if he died here today, he had gotten as many free as he could.

Walk, "Talk", Think

I'm picking up the heat like an atom bomb

As his best friend and personal medic, Lucette is allowed to enter Bae-Syl's threads as she sees fit. That being said Bae-Syl is her self appointed protector and might enter threads with her in them to ensure her safety.