
Let me See!



Expert Navigator (120)

Master Intellectual (255)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

2 Years

LegendaryPride - DemisexualWordy
07-28-2024, 08:14 PM

Late winter... what was she doing around late winter? Looking for Charlie... Among other things... But it gave her a frame of reference. Her golden and ginger paws skittered across the Col as Vesper asked her question.

"Hopefully, I'm helping the pack remain safe, or proving this quarantine is too little too late." She told Vesper over her shoulder.

"If you came in late winter... Lets see..." Ignita had made a chart on a blank wall of the storage cave where she had several symbols and marked deliveries.

"Here! This is the delivery from the smokehouse around the time you arrived. Looks to be about the same amount as before and after... There's been an influx of prey lately and I thought it was just from the incoming spring." She pointed to a snowflake symbol with six lines beside it. Then a few words beside that.

"Here I marked the beginning of Spring delivery..." A little water droplet with one line next to it and on the same line it said something similar to the late winter delivery.

"There! This is when it changed! The same day as the Raid on Avalon!" She followed her paw along the line to read the note she made about it and pulled her paw to continue the line to another marking about where that order had been stored.

"All right, let's see what's left of the last healthy delivery, and we'll check the pelts too." She dashed down the shelves to exactly where the delivery would be from before the raid was set.

"Okay, so I made a mark here that says this is a more recent delivery. Meaning that the healthy meat has been eaten already. How old is this one?" She was mostly talking to herself, but having Vesper there to talk to helped keep her mind focused on the task.

"Damn. It's the delivery before last. That means we've been out of the healthy meat for two weeks now. This also means we've been going through stored meat a little quicker than I realized. Fuck." Ignita stepped back, sitting on her rump, placing a protective paw over her slightly swollen womb. They'll grow even faster in a few more weeks... If they grow at all. There's no telling what this blight will have done to them all.

She chewed her lip, her paw finding the new opal bird hanging from her neck now.

She already had an idea of what she should do next, but she took a page from Basilisk's book and looked at Vesper curiously.

"What do you think our next step should be? How might you advise me?"


[Image: xjgqzZS.png]
Basilisk may enter her threads without warning.

[Image: bU9k2tE.png]