
Dunamis adopts

OPENED till the 15th of Oct/2 available


07-28-2024, 11:16 PM (This post was last modified: 10-06-2024, 03:30 PM by Alo. Edited 28 times in total.)

Hi! Before we jump in, I wanted to clarify these are Érebos siblings and full-blooded at that! Three are currently available for adoption! Names & genders may be changed and you may support your own designs, however, I'll be offering up some I make myself too. Quirks for these adopts include: manip headshots & full body, premade designs, fancy signatures, family tables, headshots & full body busts- all from me, free to those who are selected to adopt these three siblings. However, let this not be the only thing that draws you in! Let's dig in below!

The Dunamis Family(Updated)

Origin: Cyprus 
Ethnicity: Greek
Family alignment: Lawful Evil
Currently living: 28
Currently in ardent: 1
Generational overview of played/playable characters:

Érebos Dunamis/Male(1st litter)
Mother: Nike Dunamis
Father: Cassius Dunamis
Maternal Grandmother: Rhea Dunamis
Maternal Grandfather: Khristos Dunamis
Paternal Grandmother: Kakia Dunamis
Paternal Grandfather: Pyrros Dunamis

Enyo Dunamis/Female(1st litter)
Mother: Nike Dunamis
Father: Cassius Dunamis
Maternal Grandmother: Rhea Dunamis
Maternal Grandfather: Khristos Dunamis
Paternal Grandmother: Kakia Dunamis
Paternal Grandfather: Pyrros Dunamis

Kronos Dunamis/Male(2nd litter)
Mother: Nike Dunamis
Father: Cassius Dunamis
Maternal Grandmother: Rhea Dunamis
Maternal Grandfather: Khristos Dunamis
Paternal Grandmother: Kakia Dunamis
Paternal Grandfather: Pyrros Dunamis

Atticus Dunamis/Male(2nd litter)
Mother: Nike Dunamis
Father: Cassius Dunamis
Maternal Grandmother: Rhea Dunamis
Maternal Grandfather: Khristos Dunamis
Paternal Grandmother: Kakia Dunamis
Paternal Grandfather: Pyrros Dunamis


Family alignment:
Alignments for this family are mostly chaotic neutral to lawful evil. Erebos is very ambitious and disdainful with an expensive taste. Here are some of common personality traits for the family: materialistic, vain, elitist, conceited, judgmental, arrogant, elegant, egotistical, indifferent, harsh, chrysophilist, advantageous, devious, pretentious, brooding, confrontational, stubborn, inflexible, snobbish, selfish, haughty, distrustful, stern, passionate, disdainful, dominant, aggressive, hot-headed, loyal, elusive, intelligent, deceptive, powerhouse, independent, preserving, dogmatic, political, blunt, gluttonous, snarky and proper.

Family common features:

-Males & females in his family are usually Extra Large and sometimes Dire wolf size.
-Coats consist of chimera and piebald alterations & patterns, from simple to complex.
-Heterochromia’s are most common with this line & is their linage signature. However this doesn't always happen.
-Shorter than normal tail lengths are occasional.

Family History:
This family is stubborn- outliving most of their rivals and remaining in power for over two decades. Their weakness: not branching out into newer territories, often finding themselves bored without conflict and purpose. A deathly ambitious family, they seemingly never sleep. Always on the move and striving towards bigger, badder goals than their relatives. A chain of greed, status, and supremacy. Bonded tightly and religiously loyal to their family, the Dunamis are highly revered and cruel towards outsiders.

After sometime- a beneficial diversion took place within the family in regards to their political standing and power. Intending to add value to their names and making it known elsewhere in lands virgin to their existences prior. Thus they set off younger wolves to obtain a furthering effect of their lineage & influence, specifically the litter(s) of Nike Dunamis & Cassius Dunamis. Four have been selected to venture out, their names being Érebos, Cora, Apollo and Nikolaos.

The first to invade Ardent, is what would be known as the male leader of the family in this newer land: Erebos Dunamis. Given the task from his own elders to obtain a line of political power, influence and wellness- to then share his genes & last name with only the most empowering of wolves that complimented their family’s vision & goals. This is tasked to all Dunamis family members.


Important notes: This family is more Patriarchal than anything else, thus note that female characters for this line normally never hold the title of leadership in terms of guiding the family. However- they are regarded highly of, just not in the same way males are. Males are more superior and given more opportunities. Erebos will be 3 as of Autumn Y21. Therefore, any playable relatives cannot be older than him & if they are, they must be biologically female. This keeps Erebos as the most obvious Patriarch considering he was present within ardent first & the oldest at the time.

Quirks & Mentions:

-They speak Greek & English. This does not have to be the actual Greek language, but can be said in italics with the clear assumption of it.
-They are not incetuous.
-They are not good alignments by any means.
-They place family above others, including packs. Packs should not come between a Patriarch/Matriarch & the clan. One can be devoted to their traditions and not displace a pack wolf's rank. Be sensible.
-They are not against one another, rather for. However, minor conflicts can be expected. Major conflicts are not tolerated within the family and will be dealt with by the Patriarch. IC consequences may be drastic and can include the follow: exile, striping of surname and clan outing among other things.
-Leadership of this lineage does not begin with Érebos, however it starts with him within Ardent. This will inevitably roll onto the next wolf in line via age or vote.

Parent background:
-Mother was: to never be called mother. Rather Nike was more appropriate for the woman. It appeased her. Her power within the family is one that has been sustained for years. She is sly, sharp-tongued and jealous. Often times, she would exercise control over the weaker personalities; exploiting them and taking advantage of their natures. Her temper was glorious. And her mind, just as sharp & agile. Cunning and battle ready- she was an ambitious wolf never settling for less. She made her children work for her favor. She saw all her children as golden children- deserving only the best and shackled them to glory too young. Expecting highly of them always. No matter how dirty they had to get to get there. She was affectionate and used it for manipulating devotion.

-Father was: traditional. Political and status concerned. He cared for his image. Always clean with expensive jewelry adorning him. He collected and stole many valuables throughout his life. A greedy man with a dogmatic view of life. Black & white concepts. Very inflexible. He did not take losing well, and ingrained these harsher aspects into his children. Held rigid codes for himself and made sure his relatives did not fall short. Very serious and present father figure. Harsh with his lessons and saw his children as trophies. He would test them in all ways. He was unforgiving and vengeful. And very devoted to Dunamis's future. He adored his children. A feared warrior of his family.

-Dunamis are a mainly patriarchal family.
-The Patriarch is determined by age or sometimes vote.
-The Patriarch is above all in the clan. His word is to be respected. He is responsible for the safety, the security and the expansion of the lineage politically. He manages the clan and directs them as a whole.
-Males are superior to females in the family.
-Females are subservient to males in the family.
-The Dunamis are tasked to find mates(how many is not important), and repopulate. When it comes to marriage, the Patriach alone determines if this is approved or not for the couple. While the Dunamis marry most usually for status gain and political power, this doesn’t prohibit marrying for love. However, such would be frowned upon. Keep in mind polygamy is a norm for the family, but marriage is a stricter subject. This is to prevent a wash out of their family virtues and pedigree.
-They have deeply ingrained beliefs of being higher than the average wolf. God complexes are normal and encouraged in the family.
-Conflicts are fine, but major issues are dealt with by the Patriarch/Matriarch. Major issues are anything outside of T2 dominance and spar fights. Expect IC consequences if matters are taken into your own hands and not brought to the Patriarch/Matriarch.
-Loyalty is encoded deeply within the family. Outsiders are not met with the same extent of loyalty, trust and consideration.


I reserve the right to take back these siblings if you are inactive for more than 1 OOC month. These characters are involved with a highly active & strict family and will have to be at all family meetings, trainings and celebrations that are mandatory. Again, alot of activity is required when adopting a Dunamis so please keep that in mind. Absences are fine, but I must be made aware beforehand. I'm easy to work with. No, these characters may not be killed off. The family follows a rigid code and their priorities must be in alignment, otherwise these siblings may not be for you. Going against the grain won't be taken lightly by the family as whole. Their motto is: trample everyone without the Dunamis surname. 

Dunamis (Ancient Greek: δύναμις) is a Greek philosophical concept meaning "power", "potential" or "ability".

By submitting an application, you're agreeing with the requirements of activity as stated above and accept IC culture & consequence.

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RP Sample:
Future plots and ideas for them:
table coding by bunni ♥