
More than just a pretty face

Seasonal / Kai ♡


The Syndicate

Advanced Fighter (60)

Advanced Intellectual (60)

2 Years
Dire wolf
07-29-2024, 03:13 AM
While the pair laid there basking in the physical and emotional affections of one another, Rogue couldn't help but wonder if this was what his father had been talking about. Memories of his sire's stories to him and his brothers when they'd turned adolescents of how he'd met their mother played in his head. Maverick and his uncanny ability to answer a question without really answering a question had simply told them that he'd just known he was in love with Venom. At the time, Rogue had disregarded it as fairytale nonsense. How could you just know you loved someone? Now, holding Kaino to him like this, just the two of them in their own little world far away from the noise and nonsense of everything else... well, Rogue didn't know if he could call this love at first sight yet, but he couldn't deny that maybe he was starting to get what his sire had meant.

Giving Kai her unspoken wish, Rogue continued to hold and cradle her svelte body close to his, never relaxing his arms around her for even the slightest second. Even letting her go that little bit felt wrong. The fallen prince had already let go of too many wolves in his life, lost too much. He wouldn't be letting go of Kaino Saxe. As if reading his mind, the moment he passively mentioned his disintegrated family, Kai was withdrawing her head from his neck until sunset amethyst eyes met the contrasting blue and mint jewels of her gaze, feeling her dainty paws caressing his cheeks while he lost himself in those eyes. Kai said she could be his family, and a moment later was sealing her promise with a kiss. Rogue murred in response to her moan, the soft press of her lips to his in a deeply passionate kiss stirring things inside him and between them. Yes, the heated kiss was arousing in its own right, but what was actually lighting Rogue's fire was the intimacy of the moment. For the brute who had lost everything, hearing the wolf his heart raced for offer to be his family made his heart skip and pulse race. He wanted nothing more than to have Kai be his family—and to be part of hers in return.

Rogue held the back of Kai's head as he had been doing through their kiss, holding her while he tasted her on his tongue. When she eventually pulled back, neither got far, only the thinnest gap of space between their mouths allowing them to speak in hushed tones. Kaino asked him to come home with her, to join the Syndicate—to be her lover and her mate. She practically begged him. She didn't need to beg. Rogue knew his answer the moment she asked, and his resolution was affirmed when he gazed into those gorgeous eyes and saw the shyness and vulnerability in them. He knew what he wanted, and what he wanted more than anything was Kaino Saxe.

"I want nothing more than that," he spoke in low, breathy tones, each word a husky exhale against her lips while sunset eyes smoldered with devotion the more he drowned in her gaze. "I want to be your family, Kai. I want to be your everything. You've already become mine." It was an odd feeling to the playboy prince to be committing himself to one fae, but even the passing thought of being without Kai, of being with anybody else, it made the brute feel hollow and false. There was no denying it; he was entirely bewitched by Kaino—and he wouldn't have it any other way. "I am... a little nervous, I'll admit, about meeting your family," Rogue confessed with a shy smirk and ears folded to his head. What if they didn't like him? What if they found the former prince unworthy?

"Kai & Rogue"

Venom and Maverick may enter any of Rogue's threads while he is under 2 years old.