
The Firekeeper



The Hallows
Expert Physician

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2 Years
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Critical Fail!
07-29-2024, 06:50 AM (This post was last modified: 07-29-2024, 06:53 AM by Ellara. Edited 1 time in total.)

Ellara Praetor

Ellara's heart warmed when Syanna corrected the Lord of Cinder and referred to her as a friend. This spoke volumes of not only how highly she thought of Ellara, but her status with the Lord of Cinder. Ellara could sense that Artorias was judging her a bit differently because of Syanna's input. When Syanna dismissed herself, Ellara turned to her, her pink eyes full of gratitude as she dipped her head both to thank her and to say goodbye. Ellara made a mental note to find the vixen wolf after this and properly thank her.

Turning her attention back to artorias, Ellara gathered her wool satchel and draped it back over her shoulder then began walking beside him. She marveled at the sights as the elevated the walls and moved toward the castle, taking in the beauty of a land she'd only ever dreamed of seeing. The mention of the God's Garden remaining open to all brought a bright smile to the young Praetor's face; it aligned perfectly with her own values to keep things that way.

"Forgive my excitement," she said, her pink tail obviously swaying behind her. "The Hallows just.. sounds so perfect. A place where I can truly thrive and contribute," she said with genuine appreciation. As they walked through the courtyard and garden, she admired the changing colors of the wisteria trees and the vibrant array of flowers.

When Artorias turned the attention away from the castle and on to her and about her story, Ellara blushed slightly and took a deep breath. Her eyes lifted to the sky as she reflected on everything that had led her here thus far. "My story isn't something you'd find glorified in a book, that is for certain," she chuckled in modesty, but continued. "I was raised in Southern Auster, near Brimstone Lake, with my brothers. One night when I was barely young enough to remember, my mother and father got caught in a thunderstorm while they were out hunting together. We found our parents' bodies in the lake, we assume the storm got the better of them and they must have fell down the mountain. We gave them a proper burial and then everyone sort of.. dispersed. My brother, Adrial, and I stuck together and made due. We thought about reaching out to other relatives, but my parents never introduced me to anyone in their families. Both said we were better off if we didn't know them, so.. admittedly, I've never been in a pack, and I've barely been in a family," she shrugged her shoulders as if to brush it off, but it was clearly something that bothered the young wolf.

"Eventually, packs began moving in around Brimstone Lake and we ventured further North. It was a hard decision to leave the place we called home but, I knew something was calling me here.. to heal and help others.." She hoped that didn't make her sound like a basket-case, but it was her truth. Ellara paused, her eyes reflecting the weight that her past held on her now that she was discussing it. She was a beautiful wolf, but the edges of her fur were worn with the life of a nomad. She had yet to truly thrive, and it was clear with how skinny she was underneath her muscles.

She looked up at the impressive stone walls of the castle, feeling a sense of awe from being in it finally. "Now that I'm here, I can see that this castle is more than just a place, it's a community who's values continue to help others. I may not have much experience, but everything I do have to offer is yours if you will have it."

Ellara met Artorias' gaze, her eyes filled with sincerety as she spoke. "Thank you for even considering me, Lord Artorias."

Ellara "Ella" Praetor
Ellara has two Barred Owls, Halia and Eos, that can be assumed to be with her at all times.