



12-16-2013, 04:19 AM
He would accept her touch, and a smile would slowly make her way onto her shocked face. Themisto was alright! He was here, and for the moment that would overpower the guilt and duty that she had in getting the other warriors back home. Right now she was glad to see the brute's face, happy to see him and feel him beside her - the way the siege had happened, she didn't see him enter the fray, didn't see him lose his battle, didn't see him leave with Glaciem or be dragged away. When she woke up he and the other warriors were gone - and she could only wonder what had happened to them and worry about their wellbeing.

But now Themisto was here, and he was free and she was so sorry - she had done nothing to be able to help him out and he had risked everything in order to help her. Yet she would continue to smile, continue to be happy because he was here and although he had injuries from his fight with their queen - the woman who had taken her eye no less! He had walked away the victor. "No you certainly were not." She would say gently in response to his chuckled statement, sitting beside him and letting herself relax somewhat. The amber eyed brute was a soothing presence to her, and that added to the relief in knowing that he was alright calmed her right down. It was his question that nearly counteracted that - because she didn't want him to worry about her anymore, it just wasn't fair to him. 'Don't ask me that question...' "I'm fine, Valhalla is recovering. We're going to move soon." Small talk didn't seem quite right while speaking with him, and she would pause, wondering why she felt so damn awkward.

"I missed you, I worried about you and I... I never should have left you in the North." Perhaps Isardis was right and she should have fought for him right then and there. Despite her healing injuries and lack of experience with this damn eye of hers, despite her weary feet from traveling so far so fast and her lack of sleep to try and get everything at least somewhat in order... were they all excuses? She just wasn't sure anymore... "I'm so glad you're here... you- you never stop surprising me you know? Glaciem's queen took my eye, and you beat her in a fight... Who would have thought you were an experienced warrior too." She would hum her last statement, her tail lazily drumming at the ground beside her.

"Have you been to Seracia yet?" It would be easier to stop here before heading home - but she imagined he would be quicker to see his family than anything else.