
you can keep her for now...



Raiders Hollow
The Powder Monkey

Master Fighter (393)

Master Intellectual (290)

An icon representing the specialty Bard Bard

1 Year
Dire wolf
07-29-2024, 07:29 PM

So... Kaija had not returned.

As soon as the Raider had set off, Calliope had begun to lead the group toward Obscura at a slower pace. Hang back, keep cover, wait for word about what Kaija discovered. Keeping everyone prepared, but relaxed within the Hot Springs, she began to worry something had happened as the sun rose along the eastern horizon. Surely Kaija would have returned by now...

Sending one of the companions out to check so no one else would be put at risk, their swift return was met with a defeated sigh. With the successful capture of Kaija, they had no reason to hold off any longer. Turning to the group, Calliope smiles, inhaling a deep breath before addressing them.

"Now, just because Kaija was taken doesn't mean we go in teeth and claw ready to kill. Kaija could have a plan to help or she's fucked. I don't know," she pauses, looking to the gazes of the others. Aside from the bloodthirsty Jack, and Tarnish, (and herself really) the rest wouldn't be so eager to meet the new pack with guns blazing. "We go in for potions and that's it. Meet them with the same ferocity as they greet us with, but don't bring any shit home. Got it?" Her pastel gaze lands on the boys, a brow raised as her lips toy with a playful smirk. Oh how it sucked to have to be mature sometimes.

On that note, Calliope turns on her heels, releasing a beckoning howl for her group to follow her in. She also beckons those of Obscura to meet them as she runs toward the falls. It would be foolish for the defenders to believe that Kaija was alone. Calliope was expecting others to be waiting in the shadows for them to arrive. Keeping a wicked smile upon her maw, Calliope searches for her first target.


Warning: Calliope is callous, rude, and unpredictable. Do NOT expect nice things from her.