
A life lived

Enki then open, erais death thread



Master Fighter (245)

Master Navigator (245)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

3 Years
Extra large

Pride - Gay (MLM)Samhain 2022
07-29-2024, 07:50 PM
Even though his father was weak, he still lifted his muzzle and Enki reaches out, returning the nuzzle to Eraithus lovingly as he was asked to stay. Gently, he reassures, “I’m not going anywhere dad. It’s okay, you’re not alone.” A large paw reaches out, gently cupping one of his father’s smaller ones as he shows the dying man that he is here through the reassuring contact. Gaze tracks over to the weapon and armor and he bites back tears as they are passed to him and he nods feebly while saying, “Thank you. I will take great care of them all. I love you dad”

Water shimmers in his eyes as he looks to where Kespie rests nearby, the sorrow of her master’s passing visible in the distress that she radiates. If only death wasn’t a necessary part of life, if only those we love could stay forever so that tearful goodbyes would never have to be said. The tears slip free as his father finishes speaking and he Enki scoots forward, abandoning the paw he had been holding in favor of draping his head lightly over the dying man’s shoulder.

Life had not been easy for them and the gods know that their family was far from perfect but Enki still loves the only man who has held the title of father in his life. Tears slip free, dampening the blue fur beneath his face as he remains there, the contact meant to sooth Eraithus’s passing, acting like an anchor for aching heart. Slowly, life ebbs from the body and he resists the urge to summon healers, to drag out the natural process that was taking place. Eyes squeeze shut, sending more tears to cascade down his pale pink cheeks as the dying man’s breathes grow shallow.

Before the blue man fully slips away from him, Enki brokenly whispers, “I hope that you find peace and mom. Tell her I miss her, okay? I’ll try not to grieve too long dad. I’ll try to be strong… for you.” All too soon, Eraithus stills, his body loosely curled as if he is simply sleeping but the pale man knows better. Body quakes as he silently sobs, not yet ready to let go of his father. Time passes, how much, he is uncertain of as he lays there, head resting on the body of his father.

A soft, mournful hoot pulls him from his grieving and he lifts his head, looking at the relaxed features of his father and planting a soft kiss on his blue cheek. Standing, Enki moves to the opening of the den and releases a sorrowful howl, alerting the pack to his father’s passing and inviting all those who wished to pay their respects to gather. He moves back to his father’s body, gently smoothing the damp fur where he had rested head before finding a thick fur to drape over the back half of the still form.

Sniffling, Enki takes a seat by his father’s head, standing guard as a silent sentinel, ready to greet those who come to visit while fighting back his tears and trying to remain strong… for him.

"Enki Klein"